
Some examples of JHipster JDL for various applications.


Some examples of JDL schema for use with JHipster.

JDL is the JHipster Domain Language, the specification can be found here.

You can edit JDL files in VS Code or Eclipse using the JHipster plugin or they can be uploaded to JDL-Studio where you can edit and view the schema diagram.

Also see notes on the use of DTOs here.

Note: The ".jh" file extension is used as a default by JDL-Studio but the plugin likes ".jdl".


Assuming you have JHipster installed globally then first create an empty directory and go into it:

mkdir myapp
cd myapp

Run JHipster and follow the instructions on screen to generate your flavour of application:


Once completed import the required JDL schema which will regenerate the application to include the new entities:

jhipster import-jdl jhipster-example.jdl


  • jhipster-blog - A blog, as used in Matt Raible's Getting Started with JHipster 6 video.

  • jhipster-developer-portfolio - A work in progress example to go with my Developer Portfolio site.

  • jhipster-example - The default Oracle "Human Resources" example from the JDL-Studio editor.

  • jhipster-pet-clinic - An implementation of the Petclinic entities used in numerous other project examples.

  • jhipster-monolith-dinosaurs - Used to create my own JHipster Monolith Dinosaurs example application. It includes the application options used to make (re)generation easier. See that project for more details.

  • jhipster-microservices-dinosaurs - Used to create my own JHipster Microservices Dinosaurs example application. It includes the application options used to make (re)generation easier See that project for more details.