
Ansible role that will install (& uninstall), configure and runs [Pantheon](https://pegasys.tech/solutions/): an enterprise Java Ethereum Client

Ansible Role: Pantheon


Ansible role that will install (& uninstall), configure and runs Pantheon: an enterprise Java Ethereum Client

Table of Contents

Supported Platforms

* MacOS
* Debian
* Ubuntu
* Redhat(CentOS/Fedora)
* Amazon


  • JDK 11 or greater

Role Variables:

All variables which can be overridden are stored in defaults/main.yml file. By and large these variables are configuration options. Please refer to the Pantheon docs for more information

Name Default Value Description
pantheon_version unset REQUIRED Version of Pantheon to install and run. All available versions are listed on our Pantheon solutions page
pantheon_user pantheon Pantheon user
pantheon_group pantheon Pantheon group
pantheon_download_url https://bintray.com/consensys/pegasys-repo/download_file?file_path=pantheon-{{ pantheon_version }}.tar.gz The download tar.gz file used. You can use this if you need to retrieve pantheon from a custom location such as an internal repository.
pantheon_install_dir /opt/pantheon Path to install to
pantheon_config_dir /etc/pantheon Path for default configuration
pantheon_data_dir /opt/pantheon/data Path for data directory
pantheon_log_dir /var/log/pantheon Path for logs
pantheon_profile_file /etc/profile.d/pantheon-path.sh Path to allow loading Pantheon into the system PATH
pantheon_managed_service true Enables a systemd service (or launchd if on Darwin)
pantheon_launchd_dir /Library/LaunchAgents The default launchd directory
pantheon_systemd_dir /etc/systemd/system/ The default systemd directory
pantheon_host_ip "" The host IP that Pantheon uses for the P2P network. This specifies the host on which P2P listens
pantheon_default_ip "{{ default(ansible_host) | default('') }}" The fallback default for pantheon_host_ip
pantheon_network mainnet The network that this node will join. Other values are 'ropsten', 'rinkeby', 'goerli', 'dev'
pantheon_sync_mode FAST Specifies the synchronization mode. Other values are 'FULL'
pantheon_log_level INFO The log level to use. Other log levels are 'OFF', 'FATAL', 'WARN', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'TRACE', 'ALL'
pantheon_p2p_port 30303 Specifies the P2P listening ports (UDP and TCP). Ports must be exposed appropriately
pantheon_rpc_http_enabled true Enabled the HTTP JSON-RPC service
pantheon_rpc_http_host Specifies the host on which HTTP JSON-RPC listens
pantheon_rpc_http_api ["ADMIN","DEBUG","NET","ETH","MINER","WEB3"] Comma-separated APIs to enable on the HTTP JSON-RPC channel. When you use this option, the pantheon_rpc_http_enabled option must also be enabled
pantheon_rpc_ws_enabled true Enabled the WebSockets service
pantheon_rpc_ws_host Specifies the host on which WebSockets listens
pantheon_rpc_ws_port 8546 Specifies Websockets JSON-RPC listening port (TCP). Port must be exposed appropriately
pantheon_metrics_host Specifies the host on which Prometheus accesses Pantheon metrics. The metrics server respects the pantheon_whitelist option
pantheon_metrics_port 9545 Specifies the port on which Prometheus accesses Pantheon metrics
pantheon_bootnodes [] List of comma-separated enode URLs for P2P discovery bootstrap. When connecting to MainNet or public testnets, the default is a predefined list of enode URLs
pantheon_host_whitelist ["*"] Comma-separated list of hostnames to allow access to the JSON-RPC API. By default, access from localhost and is accepted.
pantheon_cmdline_args "" Command line args that are passed in as overrides
pantheon_env_opts "" Environmental variable PANTHEON_OPTS that gets passed to the JVM. eg: -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005

Example Playbook

  1. Default setup: Install the role from galaxy
ansible-galaxy install pegasyseng.pantheon

Create a requirements.yml with the following: Replace x.y.z below with the version you would like to use from the Pantheon solutions page

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  force_handlers: True

  - role: pegasyseng.pantheon
      pantheon_version: x.y.z

Run with ansible-playbook:

ansible-playbook -v /path/to/requirements.yml
  1. Install via github
ansible-galaxy install git+https://github.com/PegaSysEng/ansible-role-pantheon.git

Create a requirements.yml with the following: Replace x.y.z below with the version you would like to use from the Pantheon solutions page

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  force_handlers: True

  - role: ansible-role-pantheon
      pantheon_version: x.y.z

Run with ansible-playbook:

ansible-playbook -v /path/to/requirements.yml



Author Information

Pegasys Tech, 2019