

Primary LanguagePython

How to run the Project

Step 1: DB Setup

  1. cd server/db
  2. python 001_add_session_tables.py
  3. python 002_add_interaction_table.py
  4. Download these 6 data files from https://uofi.app.box.com/s/m8lwwym09tay04669idbscphrsmt6w1e
  • all_papers_order.json
  • compressed_array.npz
  • docs_per_user.json
  • nn_model.pkl
  • normalized_user_ratings.json
  • quick_lookup.csv
  1. Download arxiv-metadata-oai-snapshot.json from https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/Cornell-University/arxiv
  • First, download archive.zip, then extract to get the json file.
  1. Place all the previous downloaded files in db folder
  2. python create_fresh_db.py # See Note1

Step 2: Start server process

  1. cd .. # go to server folder
  2. Install python if pip doesn't work
  3. pip install fastapi faiss-cpu sentence_transformers uvicorn
  4. python server.py # Running the backend server

Step 3: UI

  1. cd ../ui
  2. Install nodejs if npm doesn't work
  3. npm install
  4. npm start # Running the web server

To Run

After set up: Run UI, run server. Interact via webpage at http://localhost:3000


run: create_fresh_db.py If you want to make the full DB (2M papers), set EARLY_STOP = -1 Else: set it to whatever number of papers you want to process. If you had made the DB earlier, to update it with the new changes, simply run 001_add_session_tables.py to add the new tables. Otherwise, if you do not have a previous DB, create_fresh_db.py should be all you need to set up.