FarmVision: Plant Disease Detection

Your Logo FarmVision is a powerful web-based platform that empowers farmers to detect plant diseases by simply uploading an image. Leveraging advanced machine learning models and a user-friendly interface, FarmVision aims to provide timely and accurate disease identification, accompanied by the progression rates of potential diseases.


  • 📸 Image-Based Disease Detection:
    Upload an image of your plant and receive instant disease diagnostics.

  • 📚 Disease Library:
    Access a comprehensive guide detailing various plant diseases, their symptoms, and progression rates.

  • 🤖 Advanced ML Models:
    Utilizing API from cutting-edge machine learning model for accurate and rapid disease identification.

  • 🌾 Smart Harvesting Management:
    Monitor and manage harvesting activities in real-time, ensuring optimal timing and resource allocation.

  • 🚜 Automated Equipment Control:
    Utilize IoT-enabled machinery for automated harvesting operations, reducing labor and enhancing efficiency.

  • 📊 Data-Driven Insights:
    Access comprehensive analytics on crop yield, resource usage, and environmental factors for informed decision-making.

  • 🔧 Predictive Maintenance:
    Implement predictive maintenance strategies for farm equipment to minimize downtime and maximize operational efficiency.

How To Use

1. Visit the FarmVision platform.

Start by capturing a clear image of a plant leaf that might be showing signs of disease. Ensure that the image is sharp and well-lit. Easily upload the image to the FarmVision platform using our user-friendly interface.

2. Upload an image of your plant.

FarmVision's advanced AI technology kicks into action. The uploaded image is processed by a sophisticated machine learning model to analyze the visual characteristics of the leaf in the image, comparing them to an extensive database.

3. Wait for the diagnostic results and read about the disease description.

FarmVision provides you with comprehensive insights. It not only identifies the specific disease affecting your plant but also offers a detailed description of the plant, the disease itself, and recommends effective remedies.

Technologies Behind FarmVision

  • IoT Development:

  • Disease Prediction:

    Name Link
    Python Python
    TensorFlow TensorFlow
    Google Colab GoogleColab
    Numpy NumPy
    Flask Flask
  • Web Development:

    Name Link
    Next.js 13 Next JS
    TailwindCSS TailwindCSS
    Typescript TypeScript
    Shadcn UI shadcn/ui
    React Query React Query
  • Miscellaneous:

    Name Link
    ESLint ESLint
    Git/GitHub GitHub
    Vercel Vercel
    npm NPM

Setup FarmVision Locally

Once you have followed the steps mentioned in Contribution to fork and clone the repository, do the following to setup FarmVision locally on your PC.

cd web

Install all the dependencies

npm ci

Add the API key to the .env folder as mentioned in .env.example Get the Plant Id API key from here


Run the server locally

npm run dev

That's it you are good to go! Looking forward to your contributions.


Thank you for using FarmVision!