Welcome in my profile! 👋



What i've worked on (Minecraft)

DevRoom - Freelancer

Horizon's End - Former SysAdmin & Developer on Ion

Polyfrost - Former Developer on OneConfig

CoralMC - Former Jr.Developer

TecnoCraft - Former Sr.Developer


Duels - (Minecraft Plugin) A duels system with kits and arenas. Unfinished.

SkyWarsTracker - Overlay that shows Hypixel SkyWars stats in real time.

KotlinMetadataRemover - qProtect Obfuscator transformer that removes kotlin Metadata annotations.

htmx-ktor - Demo TODO app that showcases HTMX usage in a Ktor project with a Database (Exposed ORM) and basic CRUD functionality.

quarkus-votes - Website that simulates a school's student rep election process. Built with Quarkus & Quarkus Renarde.

DomandePatenteB - Little Kotlin program that scrapes all of the Italian questions for the B driver license category.
