Node.js Express Docker Template

This template provides a basic setup for building a Node.js web application using the Express.js framework, and containerized with Docker. It includes a Dockerfile for building a Docker image and a Docker Compose configuration for easy deployment.


  • Node.js & Express.js: A minimal setup for creating a web server using Node.js with the Express.js framework.
  • Dockerized: Utilizes Docker for containerization, enabling consistent and reproducible environments across different systems.
  • Docker Compose: Includes a Docker Compose configuration for orchestrating multiple containers, simplifying the deployment process.


  • Ensure Docker is installed.
  • Confirm Docker Compose is installed.

Application Structure

  • app/server.js: The central application file orchestrating the Express setup.
  • app/db.js: The configuration hub for the database along with connection pool setup.
  • Dockerfile: A tailored Dockerfile facilitating containerization.
  • docker-compose.yml: Docker Compose configuration streamlining multi-container orchestration.
  • demo.sql: Preconfigured SQL commands executed during boot-up for table and user creation.


Node.js and MariaDB

Docker Compose Setup

Version: The Docker Compose file format version, set to "3."


  • Node Service (node):

    • Image: Docker image sourced from rattymyles/docker-express-api repository with the latest tag.
    • Container Name: Defined as express-api for the Node.js container.
    • Ports: Mapping host port 8080 to container port 8080.
    • Environment: Configured environment variables, communicated to the Node.js application in db.js, defining MariaDB connection details.
    • Networks: Connection to a custom bridge network named docker-service.
    • Depends On: Ensures that the node service starts only after the mariadb service is up and running.
  • MariaDB Service (mariadb):

    • Image: Utilizes the official MariaDB image from the repository with the latest tag.
    • Container Name: Set as docker-mariadb for the MariaDB container.
    • Ports: Maps host port 3306 to container port 3306.
    • Environment: Configuration of the root password for MariaDB.
    • Networks: Connection to the custom bridge network named docker-service.
    • Volumes: Mounts two volumes:
      • maria-data:/data/db: Persists MariaDB data on the host machine.
      • ./demo.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/demo.sql: Copies the demo.sql file to the MariaDB container, executing SQL commands during initialization.


  • Defines a custom bridge network named docker-service facilitating seamless communication between the node and mariadb services.


  • maria-data: Creates a named volume ensuring persistence for MariaDB data on the host machine.

This Docker Compose configuration seamlessly sets up a Node.js application, a MariaDB database, and all necessary connections and configurations for a cohesive and efficient runtime environment.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd Node.js-and-MariaDB-Project-with-Docker
  2. Navigate to the app folder containing the Dockerfile. Build a container to package the Node.js files:

    docker build -t rattymyles/docker-express-api .
  3. Once built, return to the parent directory and run the docker-compose.yml file:

    docker compose up

    or run it in detached mode:

    docker compose up -d

    Detached Mode: Containers run in the background, and the terminal becomes available for further commands without being attached to the container logs.

API Endpoints Testing

GET /tasks

Fetches all tasks from the database.

curl localhost:8080/tasks

POST /tasks

Creates a new task. Requires a JSON payload with a description property.

curl -X POST -d "description=HelloWorld" localhost:8080/tasks

Tear down

Once you are finished, you can stop the containers:

docker compose down

If you wish to delete the volume data to start fresh:

docker compose down -v


Please do get in touch for any feedback or anything. I'll respond :)