Exiled Plugin to lockdown SCPs at the round beginning for a specified amount of time, and more features, check the
config below.
is_enabled: true
# The affected SCPs, the shown text when unlocked and the time of their lockdown. (RoleType, string, int => RoleType, text, time in seconds)
- role_type: Scp079
text: Containment Breach!
time_to_unlock: 60
- role_type: Scp173
text: Containment Breach!
time_to_unlock: 60
- role_type: Scp096
text: Containment Breach!
time_to_unlock: 60
- role_type: Scp106
text: Containment Breach!
time_to_unlock: 60
- role_type: Scp049
text: Containment Breach!
time_to_unlock: 60
- role_type: Scp939
text: Containment Breach!
time_to_unlock: 60
# Doors that you want to open/unlock/destroy/unlock after x seconds, this doors are locked at round start. (DoorType, int, bool, bool, bool => DoorType, delay in seconds, unlock?, open?, destroy?)
- door_type: CheckpointLczA
delay: 60
unlock: true
destroy: false
open: false
- door_type: CheckpointLczB
delay: 60
unlock: true
destroy: false
open: false
- door_type: PrisonDoor
delay: 60
unlock: false
destroy: false
open: false
# Use this if you want send cassies with a specified timing. (string, int => cassie text, delay in seconds)
- content: containment breach detected All remaining personnel are advised to proceed with standard evacuation protocols
delay: 60
- content: containment breach detected All remaining personnel are advised to proceed with standard evacuation protocols
delay: 120
# Can the Scp-079 use/switch cameras while in lockdown?
scp079_camera: true
# the plugin should use hints or broadcasts?.
use_hints: true
DoorTypes for affected_doors: https://github.com/Exiled-Team/EXILED/blob/master/Exiled.API/Enums/DoorType.cs