
Created for educational purposes

Primary LanguageC#

Movie OMDB browser

Created for educational purposes

Please refer to: https://www.omdbapi.com

Software made in the italian language. You are free to edit it for your own purposes.

How to get all working:

NuGet packeges needed:


Amazon fonts needed to be included as resources but are not included in this repository.




ApiKey is not provided. You need to ask your own from here:



Easily navigate through pages via the virtual buttons or via physical right and left arrow keys on your keyboard.

To go to the first page just keep pressed for 450ms the left arrow button (or key).

To go to the last page just keep pressed for 450ms the right arrow button (or key).


You can easily put the program in fullscreen just doing fullscreen=true.

You can also come back to window doing fullscreen=false.

Style manager

Single color change

Commands available:





Use those commands to change the color of the specified program parts.



the color have to be defined in HTML standard naming or in #HEX format.

Style change

Commands available:




Use those commands to change the set of colors of the entire program.


command=style name

There are some styles already included:












