
A full fledged social media app for foodies :)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Site is deployed on netlify : https://fooodzo.netlify.app/ and Server is deployed on heroku.

This website is basically a social media for all the foodies. User can register themselves on the app and then login to view and add their food pics. They can like each other's pics and comment on each other's post. Thanks too diqus comment section library. Users also have the liberty to view their dashboard. Dashboard enables them to edit or delete their pics. The app also consists of pagination too. It is a full too fun social media app for all the foodies there. So what are you waiting for, register on the app now!! Also don't worry for security, it is based on bcrypt which enables password hashing so it is pretty safe here. (SHA-256 Algo)

Tech Stacks Used :

React JS, Node JS, Express, MongoDB (MERN)

Libraries Used :

bcrypt, morgan, axios, cors, mdb design (Material Design Bootstrap), disqus, mongoose, express, material-ui, jwt-decode, jswebtoken, moment, react-redux, toastify, reaact-router-dom, redux-toolkit, prop-types and dotenv.

Development Environment:

VS Code, PostMan, git CLI, heroku CLI and Netlify CLI.