
InteractO is a Full Stack Chatting Application. Uses Socket.io for real time communication and stores user details in encrypted format in Mongo DB Database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



InteractO is a Full Stack Chatting Application. Uses Socket.io for real time communication and stores user details in encrypted format in Mongo DB Database.

👀 Live Demo


⚙️ Tech Stack

Client: React JS

Server: Node JS, Express JS

Database: Mongo DB

Secure Data Transfer: Using JWT Token

Encryption of Sensitive Information: Using BcryptJS

Realtime messaging: Using Socket.io

⭐️ Features

  • Users can register/login via email and password.
  • Profile page where users can view their avatar and display name.
  • Search functionality which can be used to search for users.
  • Real-time updates to the user list, conversation list, and conversation messages.
  • Authentication using JWT Tokens.
  • A Private Chat functionality where users can chat with other users privately.
  • Group Chat functionality where users can create their own group and add or remove users from it ( admin-only privilege ).
  • Name of Group can be updated even after creation.

🏃🏽 Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/RaunakGN2001/InteractO/

Go to the project directory

  cd InteractO

Install dependencies

  npm install
  cd frontend/
  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start

Start the Client

  cd frontend
  npm start

Some Snapshots 🌅 are given below:

🔑 Authenticaton


🙍-🙍‍♂️ One to One chat


👥👥 Group Chat


Search Users

Create Group Chats

Profile View