
CoreSight docs for decoder design and test.


CoreSight docs for decoder design and test.


Currently, the most detailed L2 testcase input ( L2_ControlCore_in-4 ) is dumped by CoreSight-Decoder/L1_led_dump from a running linux. Unexpectedly, after several fixed steps to enable the coresight components in linux:

$ cd /sys/bus/coresight/devices
$ echo 1 > tpiu0/enable_sink
$ echo 1 > etm0/enable_source

the output generated by the coresight remains stable, which benifits a lot to the test work:

序号 报文类型 用例输入 含义
1 A-Sync 8022 0022 0022 0022 0022 0022 0022 0022 0022 0022 0022 0022 N/A
2 Trace Info 0022 0122 0122 N/A
3 Long Address 0022 0022 0022 0022 0022 0022 0022 0022 9D22 64 ISO L, Address: 0x0
4 Trace On 0422 N/A
5 Address with Context 3122 FF22 FF22 8022 0022 1022 AB22 7F22 7122 8522 64 ISO L, Address: 0xFFFF800010ABFFC4, Context info byte, EL=1, SF=64, NS=1, V=0, C=0
6 Atom F3 FC22 NEE
7 Long Address FF22 FF22 8022 0022 1022 AD22 1E22 7A22 9D22 64 ISO L, Address: 0xFFFF800010AD3DE8
8 Atom F4 DE22 ENEN
9 Atom F3 FD22 ENE
10 Atom F3 FF22 EEE
11 Address 1022 E722 7022 7222 9A22 32 ISO L, Address: 0xFFFF800010E7E1C8
12 Atom F4 DC22 EEEN
13 Atom F3 FA22 NEN
14 Atom F3 F822 NNN
12 Atom F3 FB22 EEN
13 Atom F3 FC22 NNE
14 Short Address 9522 ISO S, Address: N/A

Four CPU-associated ETM ids are also probed by L1_led_dump:

ETM0 0x10
ETM1 0x12
ETM2 0x14
ETM3 0x16

Three indirect-branch addresses are collected, which can be looked up in disassembled vmlinux image ( generate by petalinux ):

$ aarch64-linux-gnu-objdump -S --start-address=0xFFFF800010ABFF00  vmlinux > vmlinux.S
$ cat vmlinux.S
int coresight_timeout(struct csdev_access *csa, u32 offset,
		      int position, int value)
static inline u32 csdev_access_read32(struct csdev_access *csa, u32 offset)

#define __raw_readl __raw_readl
static __always_inline u32 __raw_readl(const volatile void __iomem *addr)
	u32 val;
	asm volatile(ALTERNATIVE("ldr %w0, [%1]",
ffff800010abffb0:	b9400084 	ldr	w4, [x4]
ffff800010abffb4:	d50331bf 	dmb	oshld
ffff800010abffb8:	2a0403e4 	mov	w4, w4
ffff800010abffbc:	ca040080 	eor	x0, x4, x4
ffff800010abffc0:	b5000000 	cbnz	x0, ffff800010abffc0 <coresight_timeout+0x70>
ffff800010abffc4:	8a040284 	and	x4, x20, x4     <--- This may be where the trace started, instead of a branched address
		if (value) {
ffff800010abffc8:	35fffe15 	cbnz	w21, ffff800010abff88 <coresight_timeout+0x38>
			if (!(val & BIT(position)))
ffff800010abffcc:	b5fffe04 	cbnz	x4, ffff800010abff8c <coresight_timeout+0x3c>
				return 0;
ffff800010abffd0:	52800000 	mov	w0, #0x0                   	// #0

	return -EAGAIN;
ffff800010ad3ca0 <etm4_enable_hw>:
static inline bool etm4x_is_ete(struct etmv4_drvdata *drvdata)
	return drvdata->arch >= ETM_ARCH_ETE;
	if (coresight_timeout(csa, TRCSTATR, TRCSTATR_IDLE_BIT, 0))
ffff800010ad3dd4:	aa1303e0 	mov	x0, x19
ffff800010ad3dd8:	52800003 	mov	w3, #0x0                   	// #0
ffff800010ad3ddc:	52800002 	mov	w2, #0x0                   	// #0
ffff800010ad3de0:	52800181 	mov	w1, #0xc                   	// #12
ffff800010ad3de4:	97ffb05b 	bl	ffff800010abff50 <coresight_timeout>
ffff800010ad3de8:	35003a20 	cbnz	w0, ffff800010ad452c <etm4_enable_hw+0x88c>     <--- first branched address
ffff800010ad3dec:	d5033f9f 	dsb	sy
ffff800010ad3df0:	d5033fdf 	isb
ffff800010ad3df4:	a9425bf5 	ldp	x21, x22, [sp, #32]
ffff800010ad3df8:	a94573fb 	ldp	x27, x28, [sp, #80]
	if (csa->io_mem)

A more detailed calling stack can be inferred by referring to the source of CoreSight-Driver/:

    etm4x_relaxed_write32(csa, 1, TRCPRGCTLR);      <--- etm0 enabling
            cbnz	x0, ffff800010abffc0 <coresight_timeout+0x70>   <--- loop until TRCSTATR.IDLE down to 0, etm working
            and	    x4, x20, x4     <--- the first instruction address traced by etm