
Generate ECMAScript classes with Ember CLI

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This is obsolete with the Octane edition of Ember. Do not use this.

Ember ES Class Generators

Today's ECMAScript classes in Ember... today!

See the RFC: https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/blob/master/text/0240-es-classes.md

This plugin allows Ember CLI to generate ECMAScript classes along with ember-decorators

Most of the code was ripped directly from ember-cli-typescript. The vast majority of the effort came from that project; this codebase is merely those generators taken and changes from Typescript to ECMAScript.


ember install ember-es-class-generators


ember g model foo name:string birthday:date friends:hasMany
import { Model } from 'ember-data';

import { attr, hasMany } from 'ember-decorators/data';

export default class Foo extends Model {
  @attr('string') name
  @attr('date') birthday
  @hasMany('foo') friends


You may have problems using this plugin(or rather ES classes) if you are not using Ember 3.0 or greater. Even so, it's not unlikely you'll encounter issues.

The native class roadmap linked below has some examples of unresolved questions around ES class behavior:

