
This project demonstrates how to create a basic form using HTML and CSS, and how to integrate it with Trello's REST API using a Script. When the form is submitted, a new card will be created in Trello with the provided information.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Basic Form with Trello Integration

This project demonstrates how to create a basic form using HTML and CSS, and how to integrate it with Trello's REST API using a JavaScript. When the form is submitted, a new card will be created in Trello with the provided information.

Form Fields

The form consists of the following fields:

  1. Name: The name of the card.
  2. Description: A description of the card.
  3. Due Date: The due date for the card.
  4. Start Date: The start date for the card.

Trello Integration

  1. Create a Trello account using a temporary email address. You can sign up for a Trello account.
  2. Find the Trello REST API documentation.
  3. Obtain an API key and token from Trello. You can get the API key and token by following the instructions provided in the API documentation.
  4. Create a JavaScript that will create a card in Trello with the information submitted through the form. You can use the Trello API to make HTTP requests to create a new card.

Using the GitHub Repository

To use this project on GitHub, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the project files in your preferred code editor.
  3. Customize the HTML and CSS as needed to fit your requirements. Replace the placeholders for the Trello API key and token in the script with your own values.
  4. Access the form in your web browser using the live server.
  5. Fill in the form fields and submit the form.
  6. Check your Trello board to verify that a new card has been created with the submitted information.

Please note that this is a basic example, and you may need to modify the code to suit your specific needs. Additionally, make sure to handle any security considerations, such as validating user input and securing your API key and token.