Upcoming Movies

This repository contains a sample android app which shows the upcoming movies and details. It uses the TMDB's API implementation.

  • Download apk from here.


  1. Movie List
    Screenshot 1
  2. Movie Details
    Screenshot 2

Quick explanation of repository directory :

  1. screenshot: Sample screenshot from mobile emulator, tablet and real mobile device.
  2. code: The android app code.


  • TMDB's API key, click here for sign up
  • Android SDK v28
  • Android Support Repository

Open and Run Project

  1. open android studio, select File -> Import -> "Existing Projects into your workspace".
  2. go to the path where you cloned the Repo: (repoFolder)\code
  3. add your registered TMDB api-key into string.xml.
  4. rebuild the project and run.

Built With


  • Ravi Gadhiya




Please feel free to submit issues with any bugs or other unforeseen issues you experience.