
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This is Dropbox like service where users can upload, retrieve, and manage their files

Project Structure

The filehub directory holds the application logic

  • api/__init__.py initializes the application, configures CORS, and includes a health check route.
  • api/db.py manages database CRUD operations for file metadata using MongoDB.
  • api/files.py implements a web API for file management, integrating with GCS and MongoDB.
  • api/gcs.py interacts with GCS for file upload, download, SignedURL generation, and deletion.
  • api/logger.py configures a basic logging system for the application.
  • configs/config.py loads configuration settings based on the application environment (FLASK_ENV)
  • requirments.txt Lists the dependencies required for running the project.
  • docker-compose.yml contains configuration that defines two services, 'mongo' and 'app', to facilitate the deployment of the application.
  • Dockerfile creates a lightweight image of application.
  • requirments.txt Lists the dependencies required for running the project.

The static directory contains HTML, CSS and JS files responsible for the UI of the application.

Find detailed information about the FileHub APIs in API Documentation.

How to set up

You can setup and run this application using docker or python virtual environment.

  1. Steps to setup & run using Docker
  2. Steps to setup & run using venv

Docker Setup

Clone the repository.

git clone git@github.com:RaviTejaKomma/filehub.git

Run Docker Compose

# navigate to the filehub directory
cd filehub

# run this command which starts the containers defined in the docker-compose.yml (i.e filehub flask app & mongo)
docker-compose up

venv Setup

Start a python virtual env:

# navigate to the filehub directory
cd filehub

# create the virtual environment for filehub
python3 -m venv filehub-venv

# activate the virtual environment
source filehub-venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Start the application

flask --app api/ run

# comment 'app' service in the docker-compose.yml file and run docker compose in another terminal to start only the mongo service

docker-compose up

FileHub Backend

The FileHub application is accessible at localhost:5000

To verify its status, you can use the following curl command to hit the health check API:

curl -X GET 'localhost:5000'

Application Status: A successful response indicates that the FileHub Flask application is up and running.

MongoDB Status: MongoDB is configured to run on port 27017.

Note: Ensure that no other services are currently using ports 5000 and 27017 before running the application.

FileHub UI

  1. Navigate to the static directory: cd static
  2. Open the index.html file in your preferred web browser. This will launch the FileHub UI