
Archive of work carried out on Speaker Diarization by the Speech and Language Lab Research Group, NTU, Singapore

Primary LanguagePerl

Speaker Diarization


An international research group from Nanyang Technical University Singapore, Hunan University China, BITS Pilani India headed by Dr Eng-Siong Chng, Dr Xionghu Zhong and Dr Van Tung Pham

Problem Statement

Speaker Diarization is a process to answer the question of 'who spoke when?' in an audio file. It annotates timeframes in an audio according to the speaker of the frame.

A typical Speaker Diarization pipeline involves solving various subproblems, broadly: Identification of speech regions, Extracting features from speech frames, clustering them, and an optional resegmentation step to refine predictions.


  1. Clone this project
git clone https://github.com/sehgal-simran/Speaker-Diarization.git
cd Speaker-Diarization

Implemented Approaches

To find a good baseline, we reviewed many recent works and found 2 common types of systems:

  1. Kaldi-based: These are systems built on top of the robust kaldi speaker diarization recipe involving x-vectors, by modifying one or more components in the pipeline.

  2. End-to-End/ Neural-based: These are systems which combine many modules of the pipeline within a single (often neural network based) model. They have potential to be/already are end-to-end i.e input is audio and output is speaker labels.

We implemented and reviewed 3 approaches:
a) Kaldi's original x-vector recipe

b) Kaldi's x-vector with an LSTM similarity scoring module

c) Region Proposal Network for Speaker Diarization.


The 3 systems are evaluated on the CALLHOME dataset with a collar of 0.25 secs using the standard md-eval.pl script for scoring. The inference time is simply the proportion of time taken for diarization out of total time of diarized speech. It is meant to give an idea about the speed of the system.

Pipeline DER (overlap) DER (no overlap) Inference time Testing Method
Original Kaldi x-vector 16.78% 7.09% 19% PLDA is adapted and tested on Callhome using 2-fold cross validation
Kaldi x-vector with LSTM 16.52% 6.52% 18% LSTM model is trained entirely on Callhome and tested using 5-fold cross validation
RPNSD 18.22% 12.93% 4% RPNSD model is adapted and tested on Callhome using 5-fold cross validation

Literature Reviewed

Research Paper Year
Speaker Diarization with Region Proposal Network 2020
LSTM based Similarity Measurement with Spectral Clustering for Speaker Diarization 2019
Discriminative Neural Clustering for Speaker Diarization 2019
Fully Supervised Speaker Diarization 2019
End-to-End Neural Speaker Diarization with Self Attention 2019
End-to-End Neural Speaker Diarization with Permutation-Free Objectives 2019
Speaker Diarization with Deep Speaker Embeddings for DIHARD Challenge II 2019
BUT System Description for DIHARD Speech Diarization Challenge 2019 2019
Speaker Diarization with LSTM 2018