
A test repo for the django profile portal.

(Look into the source folder for source files)


  • Automatic profile portal for the members of an organisation.
  • The portal is intended for IT/CS based orgs. where the data is grabbed from common websites like SPOJ, Codechef, GitHub, etc. and displayed in a consolidated form.

How does it work ?

  • The details of every member of the organisation is stored in the data base(Mongodb here).
  • The details include the CP profiles and Codechef,Hackerrank,Hackerearth,SPOJ and also social coding platforms like Github and Behance
  • A python script scrapes the data from the profiles and displays it in the portal.
  • Flexibility : Any user can view the profile of another using the unique ID (Roll no.)

What does it use ?

  • Beautiful soup module for scraping the data.
  • Mongodb as the database
  • Django as the web-framework

To-Do Database-Schema

  • Yet to be done


  • Write the scripts to scrape the Data from the mentioned websites.
  • Displaying the data in the webpage.
  • Decide the Database Schema.
  • Create a dummy database (that contatains the details of a few users)
  • Scrape the data of a specified student by looping through the database and displaying them in the portal.
  • Come up with the critetion to filter out the top performers in the respective fields.
  • Implement it.
  • Start improving the frontend design.
  • Collection of the data from the students and creating the actual database.
  • Rigorous testing of the website.

To-Do Frontend Design

  • use django templates
  • make it responsive for mobile applications
  • mainly use bootstrap for the designing