
The planet SymPy sources

Primary LanguagePython

Sources for planet.sympy.org

Adding a new blog

Add a new blog a the end of planet/planetsympy/config. Send a PR against this repository. Travis tests must pass: Travis will build a docker image and pull all the blogs. This will ensure that the syntax in the config file is correct.


To build the site, run


This requires Python 2 and some libraries.


Build docker image

docker build -t username/planet-sympy:v1 .

Run docker image

docker run -d -e SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=XXX username/planet-sympy:v1

Where you change XXX for a base64 encoded private ssh key. This command will update the planet and push the new files into the https://github.com/planet-sympy/planet.sympy.org repository. If you add the -e TESTING=true option, it will push into the https://github.com/planet-sympy/planet.sympy.org-test repository (this is useful for testing, and that is what the Travis-CI does to ensure that things work, without uploading possibly broken results into planet-sympy/planet.sympy.org).

The docker image from the latest master is automatically built at docker hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/certik/planet-sympy/, so to download it and run it, do:

docker run -e SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" certik/planet-sympy:latest

And set the SSH_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable (typically in the Travis-CI or GitLab-CI web interface). Generate the private/publish ssh key using:

 ssh-keygen -f deploy_key -N ""

then set the SSH_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable in the CI (Travis-CI, GitLab-CI, ...) to the base64 encoded private key:

 cat deploy_key | base64 -w0

and add the public key deploy_key.pub into the target git repository (either planet-sympy/planet.sympy.org or planet-sympy/planet.sympy.org-test), with write permissions.

The docker image is periodically pulled and run by GitLab-CI at: https://gitlab.com/certik/planet-sympy-updater, here is a direct link for the latest builds, so that you can check the status of the latest update of the planet.sympy.org webiste: https://gitlab.com/certik/planet-sympy-updater/pipelines.