
Use Case

  • Use Case Summary

  • Objective Statement:

    • Get business insight about how many product sold every month.
    • Get business insight about how much customer spend their money every month.
    • To reduce risk in deciding where, when, how, and to whom a product, service, or brand will be marketed.
    • To increase marketing efficiency by directing effort specifically toward the designated segment in a manner consistent with that segment’s characteristics.
  • Challenges:

    • Large size of data, can not maintain by excel spreadsheet.
    • Need several coordination from each department.
    • Demography data have a lot missing values and typo.
  • Methodology / Analytic Technique:

    • Descriptive analysis
    • Graph analysis
    • Segment Analysis
  • Business Benefit:

    • Helping Business Development Team to create product differentiation based on the characteristic for each customer.
    • Know how to treat customer with specific criteria.
  • Expected Outcome:

    • Know how many product sold every month.
    • Know how much customer spend their money every month.
    • Customer segmentation analysis.
    • Recommendation based on customer segmentation.

Business Understanding

  • Retail is the process of selling consumer goods or services to customers through multiple channels of distribution to earn a profit.- This case has some business question using the data:
  • How many product sold every month?
  • How much customer spend their money every month?
  • How about Customer segmentation analysis?
  • How about recommendation based on customer segmentation?

Data Understanding

  • Data of Retail Transaction from 01 December 2010 to 09 December 2011
  • Source Data: Online retail dataset by UCI Machine Learning Library.
  • The dataset has 8 columns and 541909 rows.
  • Data Dictionary:
  • InvoiceNo: Invoice number uniquely assigned to each transaction.
  • StockCode: Product (item) code.
  • Description: Product (item) name.
  • Quantity: The quantities of each product (item) per transaction.
  • InvoiceDate: The day and time when each transaction was generated.
  • UnitPrice: Product price per unit in sterling.
  • CustomerID: Customer number uniquely assigned to each customer.
  • Country: The name of the country where each customer resides.

Data preparation

  • Code Used:
  • Python Version: 3.7.6
  • Packages: Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Sklearn, and Feature Engine

Data Cleansing

  • There are about 25% of Null CustomerID in the data. We need to remove them as there is no way we can get the number of CustomerID.
  • There are few records with UnitPrice<0 and Quantity<0. We need to remove them from the analysis. This could represent cancelled or returned orders.
  • There is more than 90% of 'United Kingdom' customers, therefore we will restrict the data to only United Kingdom customers.

Exploratory Data Analysis

  • How many product sold every month? count 1 Product sold in November has highest quantity that has around 13,41% product sold from all transaction along 1 year. Therefore the business team can increase sales in this month such as promoting new products to customers in this month.

  • How much customer spend their money every month? revenue 1 Revenue in November has highest amount that has 13,41% revenue from total revenue along 1 year. Therefore the business team can replicate the success of sales strategies in November to be implemented in other months

RFM Analysis

  • Recency Frequency Monetary (RFM)
  • RFM analysis allows you to segment customers by the frequency and value of purchases and identify those customers who spend the most money.
  • Recency — how long it’s been since a customer bought something from us.
  • Frequency — how often a customer buys from us.
  • Monetary value — the total value of purchases a customer has made.

Modeling Data: RFM Quantiles

  • Now we split the metrics into segments using quantiles.
  • We will assign a score from 1 to 4 to each Recency, Frequency and Monetary respectively.
  • 1 is the highest value, and 4 is the lowest value.
  • A final RFM score (Overall Value) is calculated simply by combining individual RFM score numbers.

image image

Modeling Data: K-Means Clustering

  • K-Means clustering algorithm is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm that uses multiple iterations to segment the unlabeled data points into K different clusters in a way such that each data point belongs to only a single group that has similar properties.
  • K-means gives the best result under the following conditions:
  • Data’s distribution is not skewed.
  • Data is standardised.
  • The data is highly skewed, therefore I will perform log transformations to reduce the skewness of each variable and I standardised the data.
  • Finding the optimal number of clusters

finding k

Evaluating Model: K-Means Clustering

  • Davies Bouldin Score is a metric for evaluating clustering algorithms.
  • The smaller Davies Bouldin Score is The more optimal the cluster. image K-Means 4 clusters has lowest Davies Bouldin Score than other cluster. Therefore the optimum cluster is 4.

Interpretation of the clusters formed using K-Means

  • "Cluster 0" has 29% customers. It belongs to the “Loyal Customer" segment as they Haven’t purchased for some time, but used to purchase frequently (F=2) and spent a lot.
  • "Cluster 1" has 20% customers. It can be interpreted as “Almost Lost". They purchase recently (R=2). However they do not purchase frequently and do not spent a lot.
  • "Cluster 2“ has 30% customers. It can be interpreted as "Lost Cheap Customers". Their last purchase is long ago (R=4), purchased very few (F=4) and spent little (M=4).
  • "Cluster 3“has 21% customers. It belongs to the "Best Customers" segment which we saw earlier as they purchase recently (R=1), frequent buyers (F=1), and spent the most (M=1). kmeans 2


  • Recommendation for “Best Customers" segment: Focus on increasing customer purchases therefore it is necessary to form a cross/Up Selling Strategy.
  • Recommendation for “Loyal Customers" segment: The business team must optimize the budget campaign and the time campaign for this customer segment in order to maintain their loyalty and increase their value.
  • Recommendation for “Almost Lost" segment: This customer segment is very at risk for churn, so focus on activating customers and making repurchases by forming a Reactivation Strategy, Retention Strategy.
  • Recommendation for “Lost Cheap Customers" segment: This customer segment has churned, so the focus of the campaign is to reactivate the customer by forming a Reactivation strategy.