Tanishq Website Clone

Tanishq is a Indian Jewellery website and We are the four members in our team and we try to clone that website using HTML , CSS and Javascript . Here i am going to introduce our team members whose contribution lead us to clone that website despite of all the challenges

1.Ravinder Singh Negi From Web10 2.Pooja Kumari From Web10 3.Praveen Saini From Web10 4.Mohammed Muddasir From Web10

Each member has assigned a different section of website to work on like Ravinder has worked on Home page of a website where he faces many challenges because this website is full of animation and functionality which challenges him the most but he overcomes those challenges and makes it the same as it looks

Pooja Kumari has been assigned to make the products page of that website. Where she faces the problem of sorting the product by its price, color . But in the end she was able to do it and make it the same as it looks. .

Praveen Saini gave a section of the Cart page where all the things are based on functionality and it is the challenging part of that website and he worked really well on that to make it the same as it looks.

Mohammed Mudasair gave a section to build a Single product page where users can find all the description about that product like price breakage , total price and many other things in which we worked hard to make it the same as it looks.
