Network Programming Assignment 3 - Instant Messaging App

The repository for the network programming E 2022/2023 Tasks to build Instant Messaging App using socket.


Nama Lengkap NRP
Rere Arga Dewanata 5025201078
Ahmad Ferdiansyah Ramadhani 5025201218
Putu Ravindra Wiguna 5025201237
Afiq Akram 5025201270


Develop an instant messaging client AND server that have these features:

  1. Messages are exchanged as Java objects, so you HAVE TO use object serialisation.
  2. Users can log in to the system BEFORE they can send messages. Users only need to enter a username. Passwords are not needed.
  3. Users can see other online users. It can be either in real-time or by request from the client app. (Salah satu boleh)
  4. Users can send private messages to other users. Users can send broadcast messages to all online users, including themselves.
  5. The communication is encrypted using SSL (optional). If you would like to implement this one, several steps are needed to set up the server-side application.