
by Noah Kise, Ravin Fisher & Kim Robinson

A C# ASP.NET Mvc Application with EFCore and MySQL

This app will allow a user to:

  • Create, Read, Update Delete an Actor
  • Create, Read, Update, Delete a Film
  • Attach a movie to an actor
  • Attach an actor to a movie
  • Delete the relationship of movie/actor
  • Search for actor by name
  • Search for film by name
  • See list of genres, film by genre

sql relationship diagram

Stretch Goals


  • Add model validation for Film.Name and Actor.Name
  • Property added-if movie has been watched, can set true at creation or update in Film Details
  • Create Seeded Genre Entity with 1:M relationship to Film


  • Create TVShow Entity with relationship to Actor (and Genre?) Have streaming service as a property of TVShow
  • CSS Styling - cards for detail pages?
  • Make API call on home page for giphy

Known Bugs

  • in Edit Film, the 24 hr clock is displayed.