
A tree view based on monaco-editor powered by VSCode.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version Build Status License: MIT

This is a Tree view based on monaco-editor and vscode on Angular.

Screenshot 2022-02-06 at 21 57 31




  • Folder and file management
  • Dark or Light theme
  • Icon files based on Materiel Icon (vscode-material-icon-theme)
  • Auto Matching between file ou folder name and icon
  • Event on click with path (click to app.module.ts trigger an event with path information (src/app/app.module.tsfor example)


Stackblitz : ngx-monaco-tree-demo


Available on Angular 13, 14, 15, 17, 18 or highter

Install it

npm i --save ngx-monaco-tree @vscode/codicons
yarn add ngx-monaco-tree @vscode/codicons
pnpm add ngx-monaco-tree @vscode/codicons

Edit your angular.json to add icons

assets: [
		"glob": "**/*",
		"input": "node_modules/ngx-monaco-tree/assets",
		"output": "/assets/"
styles: [

Import directly in your module or component

import {NgxMonacoTreeComponent} from "./ngx-monaco-tree.component";

    imports: [

export class AppModule {

In your app.component.ts

tree: [
    name: ".vscode",
    content: [{ name: "settings.json" }],
    name: "src",
    content: [
        name: "app",
        content: [
          { name: "app.component.html" },
          { name: 'app.component.css', color: 'gray' },
          { name: 'app.component.spec.ts', color: 'yellow' },
          { name: 'app.component.ts', color: 'green' },
          { name: 'app.module.ts', color: 'red' },
        name: "assets",
        content: [{ name: ".gitkeep" }],
        name: "environments",
        content: [{ name: "environment.prod.ts" }, { name: "environment.ts" }],
        name: "favicon.ico",
        name: "index.html",
        name: "main.ts",
        name: "polyfill.ts",
        name: "styles.css",
    name: "angular.json",
    name: "package-lock.json",
    name: "package.json",
    name: "tsconfig.json",

In your html

<monaco-tree  [tree]="tree"></monaco-tree>


List of arguments

name type default description
tree MonacoTreeElement [] Tree view of your file system
theme vs-dark / vs-light vs-dark Theme light or dark
height string 500px Height of MonacoTree
width string 300px Width of MonacoTree
currentFile string `` Default file opened

List of events

name arguments description
clickFile path: string callback to invoke when file or folder is clicked
clickContextMenu action: ContextMenuAction callback to invoke when element in context menu is clicked
dragDropFile action: DragAndDropEvent callback to invoke when file or folder is dragged and dropped

Note :

type MonacoTreeElement = {
	name: string;
	content?: MonacoTreeElement[],
  color?: 'red'|'yellow'|'green'|'gray'|string

type ContextMenuAction = ['new_file'|'new_directory'|'delete_file'|'rename_file', string];


monaco-editor vscode vscode-material-icon-theme monaco-tree


  • matthieu-crouzet
  • DustdevDM
