
Android library simplifying the integration of swiping action on RecyclerViews

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Recycler Swipes

Simple library to make it easily implement swiping gestures on a recyclerview. Simply create your views in XML or Code and bind them to swipe directions.


horizontal vertical


// Define swipe configuration
val swipes = RecyclerSwipes(
    SwipeDirection.LEFT to R.layout.swipe_left_block,
    SwipeDirection.RIGHT to R.layout.swipe_right_delete

// Attach it to the recycler view

// Listen for changes
swipes.setOnSwipeListener { vH: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, dir: SwipeDirection ->

For complete example clone the repository and run the sample app.

Prefer to use AppCompat/MaterialComponents Views due to some elements such as TextView are more prone to have bugs in older versions. E.g TextView can in some cases not be rendered if using android:singleLine=true while AppCompatTextView will work fine.


Add jitpack to your repositories in your project's build.gradle

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } // Add this line

Add the dependencies to your app's app/build.gradle

// Get version from releases
implementation 'com.github.rawa.recycler-swipes:recyclerswipes:x.y.z'

// And if you want RxBinding support
implementation 'com.github.rawa.recycler-swipes:recyclerswipes-rxbinding:x.y.z'