Class Syntax in JS Lab


  • Refactor code to use class syntax
  • Practice inheritance using the extends keyword


With our new knowledge of prototypes, we would like to refactor our previously written code to declare each function only one time.

In index.js, build an ES2015 BoardMember class with the following properties set by the constructor: name, homeState, and training.

Add the following methods to the prototype using the class syntax:

  • veto — returns No, I must disagree

  • approve — returns You can do that!

  • doCharity — returns I like to help people.

  • releasePressStatement — returns You will see great things from Scuber.

  • sayHi — returns "Hi, my name is <name>. I am from <homestate>, and I was trained in <training>.

In index.js, build an ES2015 Ceo class with the following properties: name, training, and homeState. Use inheritance to accomplish this. A Ceo should have all of the methods that a boardMember has.

Add a new method giving the Ceo the ability to hire new employees. This functionality should not be available to a board member. So the Ceo would have one new method:

  • hireEmployee — returns Welcome aboard!

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