
A simple project named Digital Books, I have worked with Larave 8, Bootstrap , JavaScript, and JQuery

Primary LanguagePHP


is a web application that allow user to store information about books they owe or they've read. It will allow to save basic book data like title, authors, category along with description or summary created by the user and personal rank. In the future it will allow users to share their libraries with friends and people nearby. They will be able to easily find and read reviews of book that would like to buy or read or even to borrow book from friends.

DigitalBooks built by Farah.



Tech Stack

Client: Bootstrap

Server: Laravel, MySQL

Planned features

  • Registering users
  • Login&Logout users
  • Storing user informations
  • Using Google Api Books
  • Scanning books bar codes
  • Adding posibility of preview user libraries created by other users

Learning Laravel

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This project is licensed under the MIT license.