
The goal of this project is to identify instances of blockchain fraud through the application of machine learning. To do so, a dataset with various features such as transaction values, time intervals between transactions, etc., is utilized along with a binary label (FLAG) indicating whether a fraud has occurred (1) or not (0). The project will follow a supervised learning approach, where several classification models will be evaluated and one or more will be chosen based on their balance of recall score and false positive predictions.


  • Pandas:

Run the following in terminal: pip install pandas

More info:

  • Numpy:

Run the following in terminal: pip install numpy

More info:

  • Sklearn: Run the following in terminal: pip install -U scikit-learn

More info:

  • Seaborn:

Run the following in terminal: pip install seaborn

More info:

  • Matplotlib:

Run the following in terminal: python -m pip install -U matplotlib

More info:

2-Run the code

  • Open the .ipynb file in Jupyter Lab

  • Ensure the dataset (transaction_dataset.csv file) submitted as part of the project is in the current directory.

  • Run all cells from the top