The Voysis Python Library provides a set of classes that allow Python applications to interact with Voysis Query API endpoints.
A command-line invocation tool is also supplied to provide both an easy way to interact with the Voysis Query API and a working example of how to consume the library classes.
The Voysis Python library and command line tool require Python 3.6+.
The tool accesses the microphone using pyaudio. If this is not yet installed on your system, installation may require a compilation step if binary wheel packages are not available for your environment. Therefore build tools and development libraries may be required for installation. Quick start instructions for common operating system environments are provided below.
If using Linux, run the following commands, depending on your distribution, to prepare your system for installation and running the command-line tool:
# Run the following for Ubuntu 18.04
sudo apt install -y gcc python3 python3-venv python3-dev portaudio19-dev
# Run the following for CentOS 7
sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install -y gcc python36u python36u-venv python36u-devel \
For OSX, install and configure Homebrew and then run the following:
brew install portaudio
Once the base system is ready, use setuptools to install:
python3.6 -m venv $HOME/virtualenvs/voysis-python
. $HOME/virtualenvs/voysis-python/bin/activate
python install
The full documentation for the Voysis API can be found here: Voysis Developer Documentation
This project supplies a command-line testing tool called voysis-vtc
, which
provides a simple way to test and interact with a Voysis Voice AI.
After installation, run voysis-vtc --help
for a summary of the command line
arguments and sub-commands available. Re-running the tool with a sub-command
name and --help
will give further help for that sub-command:
voysis-vtc query --help
To execute queries against your Voice AI endpoint, you will need to tell VTC the URL of your Voice AI. This URL will be supplied to you by Voysis.
To provide it to VTC, use the global --url
voysis-vtc --url wss:// query
You can also specify the endpoint URL in your environment so that you do not have to provide on the command line for each invocation:
export VTC_URL=wss://
Your Voice AI endpoint will require an authentication token to be
specified for queries to be successful. The VTC command supports
specifying a valid refresh token using the global --auth-token
voysis-vtc \
--auth-token=8U7CsQyiK8bqLwGnZUmnmgArbmiR9si50DIrjIHp5soAJ4i7NHB2Gg3IhlIgXYN1 \
--url=wss:// \
You can also provide the refresh token in your environment so that you do not need to provide it on the command line for each invocation:
export VTC_AUTH_TOKEN=8U7CsQyiK8bqLwGnZUmnmgArbmiR9si50DIrjIHp5soAJ4i7NHB2Gg3IhlIgXYN1
The most direct way of interacting with your Voice AI is by sending a single query recorded from the microphone.
To record a voice query and send it to the Voice AI, execute
voysis-vtc query
and follow the on-screen prompts.
The VTC client can send a file containing audio data rather than recording
from the microphone. Currently only files containing raw samples or a wav
file are supported. If sending raw samples, the format of the samples
should be provided on the command line using the --sample-rate
and --little-endian/--big-endian
options. If these are
not specified, the client defaults to
- 16000Hz 16-bit signed integer single-channel PCM data.
When sending a wav file, the audio parameters are read from the wav header.
voysis-vtc query --send audio_data.wav
The VTC client supports sending a batch of audio files sequentially to a Voice AI endpoint. The path to a directory containing many wav files should be supplied on the command line:
voysis-vtc query --batch /path/to/wav/folder
The Voysis Query API supports providing feedback on the quality of the
results of an audio query. To provide this feedback, use the feedback
voysis-vtc feedback \
--query-id dda80ba2-f0fa-421d-8462-2f849bbb30b3 \
--rating 5 \
--description="Perfect results"
The rating is a simple integer in the range 1 - 5 with 1 representing the poorest quality and 5 representing the best. Description is a free-form string that can be used to provide additional information about why the query results were poor. This information will be stored alongside the query and can be used by Voysis to improve Voice AIs.