Bucketlist API


According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a Bucket List is a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying. This is an API for an online Bucket List service using Flask.


The building blocks used are:

  1. python version 3.6
  2. Flask
  3. PostgresSQL


The following set of steps are necessary to facilitate running the application locally:

  • clone the following repo https://github.com/RayNjeri/BucketList/tree/develop

  • cd into Bucketlist and create a VirtualEnvironment using the following command: virtualenv <name_of_env>

  • To activate the virtualenv, cd into the <name_of_env>/bin/ and use the following command: source activate

  • To install all app requirements pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Create the database and run migrations

    $ python manage.py db init

    $ python manage.py db migrate

    $ python manage.py db upgrade

You are now set! you can now run the server using python manage.py runserver command

Interact with the API, send http requests using Postman

API Endpoints

URL Endpoint HTTP Methods Summary
/auth/register POST Register a new user
/auth/login POST Login and retrieve token
/bucketlists POST Create a new Bucketlist
/bucketlists GET Retrieve all bucketlists for user
/bucketlists/?page=1&limit=20 GET Retrieve three bucketlists per page
/bucketlists/?q=name GET searches a bucketlist by the name
/bucketlists/<id> GET Retrieve a bucketlist by ID
/bucketlists/<id> PUT Update a bucketlist
/bucketlists/<id> DELETE Delete a bucketlist
/bucketlists/<id>/items POST Create items in a bucketlist
/bucketlists/<id>/items/<item_id> DELETE Delete an item in a bucketlist
/bucketlists/<id>/items/<item_id> PUT update a bucketlist item details