
Dotfiles Manager Bash Scripts

Primary LanguageShell

DotsManBash :- A collection of bash scripts to manage dotfiles locally and to git repositories

What ?

Ever tired of going to dotfiles repository to commit and push changes ? Or Adding files to dotfiles repository and then symlinking it to their correct locations? Here is a collection of scripts to manage all these tasks.

  • dotsgit script handles interaction of private repository and public repository (more can be added) with git as well as with each other (using dotsSync script)
  • dotsinit script handles creating/removing symlinks or copies from repositories to correct locations in home folder.
  • dotsSync manages interactions between local public and private reopsitories (sync, dry-sync)
  • myfonts download,list,refresh fonts


  1. Stow
  2. find
  3. rsync


Just copy the script to anywhere in your PATH ( echo $PATH ). Make sure the script is executable ( chmod +x dots* )


  • All the scripts starting with 'dots' needs some variables (like repository directory path) to be set to work. Open the script with your favourite editor and add them.
  • All the scripts need atleast one argument to do various tasks. Running the script without argument(s) or with invalid argument(s) will show the help menu.
  • myfonts script have some fonts specified in the script. If you want more, you can add it yourself.
  • Open the scripts and look at the final case statements to view all available valid arguments.
  • Make use of the aliases file to create useful aliases.



# Show both private and public repository status
dotsgit status 

# Show both private and public repository log
dotsgit logA 

# Commit to both private and public repository
dotsgit commitA "<commit message>"


# Dry run of all symlinking operations
dotsinit dry

# Symlink files in home folder
dotsinit home

# Remove and symlink files in polybar and neofetch
dotsinit rm polybar neofetch
dotsinit config polybar neofetch