
A small but feature rich symlink tool.

Primary LanguageC++GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Manage symlinks like a pro.

symlink++is a tool to help you create symlinks for files and/or folders from a source to a target. It can recursively symlink and replicate directory structure or simply symlink a single file. If there are conflicting files with the same name it will ask for user confirmation before proceeding. It also comes with multiple flags to help manipulate the linking features such as :

  • absolute or relative linking ( relative linking is done by default )
  • create missing folders
  • Overwrite/Skip exisitng files. and some more. More details regarding the flag and usage is detailed below.


  1. Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/RayZ0rr/SymlinkPlusPlus.git
  2. Install it.
    make install

By default, the binary is created in bin directory in the repository and copied into ~/.local/bin. So, make sure ~/.local/bin exists.


The basic command line usage is as follows:

symlink++ [FLAGS] [--] [source] [target]

here source can be a file or directory. The target can be existing or non-exisiting but incase the source is a directory, the target will be considered as directory only. If -- is provided then flags parsing will stop after it and only source and destination will be taken.


The following flags are available :

  • -n,--dry-run :- Show the possible linkings that will happen without actually linking the files.
  • -p,--parents :- Create any missing parent directories of target.
  • -A,--absolute :- Use absolute linking instead of relative linking.
  • -S,--skip-existing :- Don't ask for Overwrite confirmation on exisiting files and skip them directly.
  • -f,--force :- force overwrite without asking for confirmation.
  • -D,--debug :-Print more information in the output ( usually for debugging purposes ).


  • CLI11 for adavanced but simple to use argument parser.