
Repository for solutions of questions solved in practice and contests on various CP websites!

Primary LanguageC++


A repository for solutions of questions solved during practice and contests on different Competitive Programming Sites!
Check Out the solutions here.

S.No Contents
1 Codeforces
2 Codechef
3 Leetcode
4 AtCoder

Practice Questions Sorted By Topic

Practice Questions

Profile Links

S.No Platform Profile
1 Codeforces Maango16
2 Codechef maango16
3 Leetcode Maango16
4 AtCoder Maango16
5 HackerRank Maango16
6 StopStalk Maango16


Each folder has the name starting with problem or contest code/number followed by the round in which the problem appeared


This is open to all the GitHub users. If the solution already exists then it will not be merged.
• Please select the folder in which you have a solution for.
• For naming convention please put the problem number or contest code first in the folder. Then add the solution with the right question name
• Please refrain from adding plagiarised code. In case you are using someone's code please add credit or reference.
• Refer to this as the format for contribution

Search Tags

Codeforces Solutions | Codechef Solutions | Codechef Long | Codechef Cookoff | Codechef Starter | Codechef Lunchtime | Atcoder Solutions | Atcoder Beginner Contest | Hackerrank Solutions | Leetcode Solutions | Leetcode Daily |