Luxury Purse Rentals

This is a fashion rental service that allows users to rent luxury handbags within the area.

By Raya Sodwilai

Technologies Used

  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript


A full stack JavaScript application that utilizes full CRUD operations, implements authentication and file upload.


  • MySQL Workbench
  • Internet Browser
  • A GitHub Account
  • Code Editor such as Visual Studio Code

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone the repository with command $ git clone gitHub-URL-repository
  • Open the repository on your computer in your text editor.
  • Navigate to the terminal and cd into the server folder
  • Run the command $npm install in order to install all the packeages that are required for this application.
  • After successfully installed the packages, run the command $npm build then $npm run start

Known Bugs

  • N/A


MIT © 2021 Raya Sodwilai

Contact Information