Pinned Repositories
A two parts project that regulary save the selected folders content in your android device so that your will still have its even if you loose your device. The project is composed of a C# server that is installed as a service on your home personnal computer and an Android program which will join the server each time it will connect to your home server.
A repository containing all the own archetype I created. Usefull to start a new project quickly with a correct architecture.
Automatically clicks the mouse. Has random in a box if you want that for some reason.
Overload of a framework to help make predictions easily from a set of datas (entries of same form). It uses an existing framework
Ce Repo contient tous mes trojans, mais il y en a deux principaux: Un destiné à l'école, une simple blague qui reste utilisable en local host, et l'autre qui est le plus gros projet, et qui est composé de 3 parties: un client utilisateur, un serveur et le programme victime.
A project to help writing browserless code (js language with puppeteer library) to send this code through the Browserless API in 'function' endpoint. I personaly use it for N8N browserless node.
This service watches the new commits on several SVN repositories and manage reviews or new revisions on ReviewBoard. The commits must contains the Jira ID (you can make a pull request to manage other IDs than jira's).
A botnet trojan project
Rayanox's Repositories
A project to help writing browserless code (js language with puppeteer library) to send this code through the Browserless API in 'function' endpoint. I personaly use it for N8N browserless node.
Ce Repo contient tous mes trojans, mais il y en a deux principaux: Un destiné à l'école, une simple blague qui reste utilisable en local host, et l'autre qui est le plus gros projet, et qui est composé de 3 parties: un client utilisateur, un serveur et le programme victime.
This service watches the new commits on several SVN repositories and manage reviews or new revisions on ReviewBoard. The commits must contains the Jira ID (you can make a pull request to manage other IDs than jira's).
A botnet trojan project
A two parts project that regulary save the selected folders content in your android device so that your will still have its even if you loose your device. The project is composed of a C# server that is installed as a service on your home personnal computer and an Android program which will join the server each time it will connect to your home server.
A repository containing all the own archetype I created. Usefull to start a new project quickly with a correct architecture.
Automatically clicks the mouse. Has random in a box if you want that for some reason.
Overload of a framework to help make predictions easily from a set of datas (entries of same form). It uses an existing framework
A library to do some scraping operations on the Ebay website. This library acts like a facade of differents operations. You can do a PR if you need a new operation in the facade, or just create an issue.
Projet web scolaire pour la licence pro CSID
🐙 Free Instagram scripts, bots and Python API wrapper. Get free instagram followers with our auto like, auto follow and other scripts!
A generic web scrapper that checks the availability of a product or else in a website. You just have to configure the URL + xpath to access an element that should disapear when the availability will be back.
Module Java permettant une manipulation plus aisée des fichiers et logs dans les projets.
It contains all the usefull scripts checking that several applications are working well on my personal server
A program than constantly scans the logs on an environment (PREPROD for my purpose), stores all the logs and alerts when a new error log is detected. This helps doing no regression tests through an autoscan.
A repository that stores all my templates for starting quickly new projects
Projet qui vise à scrapper le site de billetterie du PSG pour commander (ou juste notifier) les billets dès leur mise à disposition, au prix le plus bas.
Projet qui va permettre de garder ses annonces sur leboncoin chaque jour en tete d'affiche
Un robot qui parie sur un site de paris en ligne selon un algorithme que j'ai défini.
Un simple scanner qui scan toutes les ips comprise dans un intervalle d'adresses qu'on lui donne
This application is a personal project for helping family members who don't feel at ease with the computer to do complex actions for them by simply do its with a simple GUI
Un programme (linux) qui, lancé automatiquement par un crontab, effectue une sauvegarde du dossier Dropbox dans un fichier compressé. Il supprime le fichier le plus ancien lorsque le nombre de sauvegardes dépasse 3.
TODO: Faire aussi un Templates-Spring-batch-Consumer qui sera utilisé uniquement pour la consommation de données externes (remote)
A framework to ease the bot trading by only focusing on implementing the strategy and not all the scrapping operations that the framework is charged to do.
The goal of this project is to allow integrated or USB-connected webcams access directly from Java. Using provided libraries users are able to read camera images and detect motion. Main project consist of several sub projects - the root one, which contains required classes, build-in webcam driver compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS, which can stream images as fast as your camera can serve them (up to 50 FPS). Main project can be used standalone, but user is able to replace build-in driver with different one - such as OpenIMAJ, GStreamer, V4L4j, JMF, LTI-CIVIL, FMJ, etc.
A youtube channel crawler that download all the videos on a youtube channel. Can be configured to crawl on a single execution or on a constant execution (scheduled every X time)