CAS Docker Overlay

Docker Compose setup using a multi-stage build:

  • Run the following commands to generate self-signed keystore. keytool -genkey -noprompt -alias cas -keystore etc/cas/thekeystore -storepass changeit -keypass changeit -validity 3650 -keysize 2048 -keyalg RSA -dname "CN=cas, OU=MyOU, O=MyOrg, L=Somewhere, S=VA, C=US" keytool -export -file etc/cas/config/cas.crt -storepass changeit -keystore etc/cas/thekeystore -alias cas

  • First stage builds a Docker image that:

  • Second stage runs CAS in a Docker container

    • copies the directory etc/cas into the container at /etc/cas
    • loads self-signed keystore to JAVA keystore
    • copies the cas.war file from the first stage
    • exposes port 8443
    • runs /usr/bin/java -jar cas.war (using the embedded Tocmat server)

To use

Push to docker hub

docker-compose build cas docker-compose compose push

