
Raybeam bot current used with Campfire

Primary LanguageRuby


Raybot, re-implemented for Slack!

Uses slack-ruby-bot as its base.

To connect to slack, run heroku config:add SLACK_API_TOKEN=token_goes_here before deploying.


Setting Up

  1. Clone the repo
  2. gem install bundle
  3. bundle install


Create a new file in raybot/commands/. Use the existing files to get started.

Running Locally

  1. make sure .env exists in the root directory with SLACK_API_TOKEN=token in it.
  2. foreman start


  1. Be a collaborator on the raybot-slack heroku instance. (ask other developers)
  2. heroku git:remote -a raybot-slack
  3. git push heroku branchname:master