
Web UI to create and manage http proxies from one or more sources.

Primary LanguageRubyBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Web UI to create and manage http proxies from one or more sources.

Web scrapers, crawlers or spiders are programs designed to automatically go to one or more websites and download content from them. A well-behaved scraper will read that site's robots.txt file to determine which pages its allowed to read. Not all scrapers are well-behaved. Often a website has valuable information available to the public that the maintainers of that site only want humans to use.

If you write a scraper targeting one such website then the second line of defense against your scraper is to blacklist your server's IP address. In order to continue scraping you need to change your apparent IP address frequently. One such way to do this is to use HTTP proxies.

Zartan will automatically create proxies from one or more sources and serve them to your web scraper through a RESTful API. Zartan will maintain separate pools of proxies for each website you scrape, allowing you to use the same proxies to scrape multiple sites, even if specific proxies have been banned on specific sites.

It is expected that you run Zartan on your own server. This is not a public web service.

API Usage

See https://github.com/Raybeam/zartan-client.

If you don't want to or cannot use the gem, then below is a detailed explnation of the API.


In order to receive a proxy you must authenticate with the system. Successful authentication returns a client_id which is used for all other API calls.

GET http://HOST_NAME/v2/authenticate?api_key=API_KEY

A successful response looks similar to this:


Use the client_id in all other API calls. If the api_key is missing or invalid, the response is:

{"result":"error","reason":"Unrecognized API Key"}

Go to the admin panel, generate an api_key and use that when making authentication requests.

All other API calls require a client_id parameter. If that client_id expires the response is:

{"result":"error","reason":"Unrecognized client id"}

Re-authenticate and use the new client id.

Get a new proxy

GET http://HOST_NAME/v2/proxy_for/SITE_NAME


  • client_id
  • older_than (optional)
    • Minimum time (in seconds) since the selected proxy's last use

On success

An example:


Failure: No proxies available


This either happens when there are no proxies newer than the optional older_than parameter, or there are no proxies available at all. In both cases, the client is asked to wait interval seconds before they make another request.

Report proxy success/failure

POST http://HOST_NAME/v2/report/SITE_NAME/PROXY_ID/succeeded
POST http://HOST_NAME/v2/report/SITE_NAME/PROXY_ID/failed


  • client_id

The GET request gives a PROXY_ID for use with these POST URIs. These inform zartan that the proxy with whose that ID has either successfully scraped a page or failed to scrape a page. In the short term these reset the proxy's idle time. In the long term these reports are used to evaluate whether the proxy is still able to scrape the specified site.

Admin panel

The admin panel uses google OAUTH to authenticate. If google manages your email then authentication simply requires whitelisting your email domain in config/google_omniauth.yml.


A Zartan Site object represents a website you're targeting with your scrapers. Zartan needs to know what site the proxy is being used on so that it can keep track of which proxies have been banned on which sites.


  • min_proxies
    • If there are fewer than this many proxies available for this site then zartan will try to provision more
  • max_proxies
    • The maximum number of proxies to request/provision for the site.


A Zartan Source object represents a proxy provider. Typically this will be a cloud services provider, but it could be any external entity capable of providing http proxies. Creating a Source object requires an account with that provider. If that provider is a cloud services provider then you are responsible for creating the initial image of that proxy. We recommend creating the smallest server allowed and installing tiny_proxy on it.

Cloud service providers will typically allow you to create servers in multiple geographic regions. If you want proxies from multiple regions, then create 3 Source objects with the same API/login credentials, but different regions.


  • Type
    • There can be many different types of Sources. Typically this is a cloud services provider. Creating a new Type requires subclassing the Source model. See Technical details.
  • Max Proxies
    • Do not request or provision more than this many proxies from this Source.
  • Reliability Score
    • It's possible, however unlikely, that two different sources can provide the same IP address + port. If that were to happen, the Source with the higher Reliability Score will take ownership of that proxy.
  • Other
    • Any other configuration parameters are specific to the Type of Source.

Digital Ocean

  • proxy_port
    • What port is exposed for proxy services on the droplet image.
  • client_id
  • api_key
  • image_name
    • It's assumed that you have provisioned a server on your own and saved an image with this name. New proxies get created using this image.
  • flavor_name
    • We recommend the '512MB' flavor
  • region_name
    • This could be New York 3, San Francisco 1, etc.


  • proxy_port
    • What port is exposed for proxy services on the compute image.
  • username
    • The username used to log into the Joyent Account
  • password
  • image_id
    • The UUID of the image you would like to start
    • ex: e0f6ce96-a5a7-c63e-b5c1-c48c3a7eb5e6
    • note: custom images are only available in its original datacenter
  • package_id
    • The name of the package/flavor of the server you would like to work on.
    • ex: g3-devtier-0.25-kvm

If any of the information entered above information is inaccurate then warning messages should show up on the page for that site shortly after the first proxy is requested from that source.


Global options stored in redis. These are populated on the initial deploy from config/default_settings.yml.

  • success_ratio_threshold
    • Each proxy is periodically evaluated for its ability to be used on each site. If the success_count/(success_count+failure_count) is less than this number, then the proxy may be decommissioned.
  • server_retry_timeout
    • How long to wait for newly provisioned proxies to be ready before giving up.
    • These proxies aren't lost forever. They can be reclaimed by the system later.
  • proxy_age_timeout_seconds
    • If proxies haven't been requested for a site in this many seconds then the site forgets that it had ever used the proxies that are presently allocated to it.
    • If there are no more sites presently reserving these proxies then the proxies are decommissioned.
  • failure_threshold
    • If this many failures happen in between runs of the periodic performance analyzer then evaluate this proxy's performance early.
    • If the number of successes is too low then the proxy will be removed from the site's proxy pool, and possibly decommissioned.

API Keys

API keys can be created or destroyed. Use the key in the api_key parameter with the API.

Installation and deploy instructions


Before you deploy to production you'll need to create a development environment. Your development environment will require some of the same steps as deploying to production. Install rvm and run:

rvm install ruby2.2.0
rvm use ruby2.2.0@zartan --create
git clone https://github.com/Raybeam/zartan.git
cd zartan
gem install bundler
bundle install

Note, some of the dependencies listed in the initial setup may be necessary to install these rubies. These dependencies will vary from platform to platform.

Running in development

Although not necessary for deploy, you can also run zartan in development. If you do, there are a few additional steps.

Create and modify the config files for development. Change directories to the root of zartan and run:

gem install bundler
bundle install
rake db:migrate
rake config:seed

Run bundle exec rails s to start the rails server, and QUEUE=* rake environment resque:work to start a resque worker.


Zartan is a rails application which relies on a database, redis, resque and resque-scheduler. The instructions below assume that Zartan will be deployed on an Ubuntu system using nginx as a web proxy, Unicorn as the rack HTTP server, Postgres as the database backend, and monit for process supervision. The specific commands/config files can be adjusted for other production setups.

  1. Initial setup

On the target machine, as "superuser":

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y \
  build-essential \
  postgresql \
  redis-server \
  nginx \
  git-core \
  libpq-dev \
  libsqlite3-dev \
  1. Database configuration

Create the zartan database user.

sudo -u postgres psql <<SETUP
  1. Create a zartan user on the Linux OS.

This can be different from the user created in postgres. Substitute as necessary if you use a different user, or skip if the user is already created.

sudo adduser zartan
# Add with some default password
sudo vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config
# replace the line
#     #   PasswordAuthentication yes
# with the line
#         PasswordAuthentication no
sudo service ssh restart
  1. Create the base directory for the zartan application
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/zartan
sudo chown zartan:zartan /var/www/zartan
  1. Log in to linux as the application user (zartan in this case).
  2. Install rvm

Note, these instructions install rvm on a user level. Rvm can also be installed for all users by the superuser. See the RVM installation instructions for how to do this.

gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
rvm install 2.2.0

7. Config files

config/deploy.rb contains a list of :linked_files. Each of these files has a file_name.sample file in the repository. Copy and edit these files as appropriate, and put them in the config directory created by these instructions:

mkdir -p /var/www/zartan/shared/{config,pids,log}
  1. config/database.yml
Fill in the 'production' area with the credentials for your production
database.  The development section can remain as is for testing in dev.
  1. config/google_omniauth.yml
Zartan uses Google oauth to authenticate users to the admin UI.  This file
allows google to perform this authentication.
This file needs modification in both development and production.  To create
`google_client_id` and `google_client_secret` fields, create [Google oauth
2.0 credentials]
Set the redirect uri to http://HOSTNAME/auth/google_oauth2/callback.
You can set the HOSTNAME to localhost for development and use the same
key/secret among your developers so long as they all use the same ports.
  1. config/redis.yml
The sample file can be used as-is if redis is installed
on the same server as the web app with the default port.
  1. config/resque_schedule.yml
The sample file can be used as-is, but it can be modified if any schedules
need to be tweaked.
  1. config/secrets.yml
Run `rake secret` in development and put that value in production's
`secret_key_base` section.
  1. config/unicorn.rb
You can mostly use the sample file as-is, unless you use a different Linux
  1. Create an ssh key for the server to pull the source code from github
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
# Copy the key and add it to your github fork of the Zartan repo as a deploy key
  1. Create config/deploy/production.rb in your dev environment.

Like the other config files, this has a .sample file. However, this file does not get uploaded to the production server.

  1. Initial Deploy. In the dev environment:
ssh $deploy_target 'touch /var/www/zartan/shared/enabled'
# may require "bundle exec" depending on your setup
cap production deploy --trace

This step succeeds if the final step complains about monit not being installed. We shouldn't install monit before now because it depends on files created by the initial deploy. For now, launch the various services manually and install monit once everything is working. If monit was already installed and configured (perhaps due to other applications being run on the same host), then run the first line above (touching the enabled file) after the deploy instead of before it.

  1. First Launch.

On the target machine, as "superuser": Add executable init scripts for unicorn, resque_scheduler and resque_pool to /etc/init.d. Sample files are located in config/samples/init.d. These files will work as-is if your application's linux username is zartan and rvm was installed by the zartan user (not the superuser). Change the USER in each of the files if the USER is not zartan, and change the final PATH directory to /usr/local/rvm/wrappers/ruby-2.2.0@zartan if rvm was installed by the superuser.

sudo service zartan_unicorn start
sudo service zartan_resque_pool start
# Verify that unicorn and resque processes are running
ps -ef | egrep 'unicorn|resque'
  1. Set up nginx.

Copy the config file in config/samples/nginx/zartan to /etc/nginx/sites-available/zartan on the target machine. This file should work as-is as long as you're serving your application on the default http port 80.

sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/zartan /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/zartan
sudo service nginx restart
# Verify that the application is being served on port 80
  1. Install monit
sudo apt-get install -y monit

Add the monit config. A sample file is located in config/samples/monit/monitrc. This file will probably require modification if you've modified any of the other config files. Things to check for are the zartan username, the port for nginx and the port for redis.

sudo service monit reload
# Verify that monit is running and monitoring the relevant processes
sudo monit status
  1. Optional validation. In the dev environment:
cap production deploy --trace

Check to see that the deploy process correctly detected monit running and restarted it (this should be the last operation it performed). If you like, ssh into the target machine and tunnel 2812:localhost:2812, then log in to the monit web interface. From here, you can check that the uptime of unicorn and resque_pool is small (i.e., that they were restarted by the deploy process).

  1. Setting Up proxy images

The following steps are used to create a new image that contains what is required for the proxies.

  1. Start with an up-to-date Ubuntu image

  2. Run commad sudo apt-get install tinyproxy (install tinyproxy)

  3. Replace /etc/tinyproxy.conf with a config file that contains a specific IP you want to reach the image from. You may need to modify the User and Group lines near the top of the file, replacing "deploy" with the name of the (non-root) user of the machine you're setting up

  4. Run command sudo service tinyproxy restart (restart tinyproxy)

  5. From wherever the IP address you entered into the config file in step 3, start up a web browser and configure it to use an HTTP proxy with host {the IP address of the machine you're provisioning} and port 8888. Verify that you can access a few sites via the proxy.

  6. If everything works, create a snapshot of the instance you just built.

  7. Where to go from here

You'll need to create one or more Source objects in the admin panel. Once you have a single Source you can make your first API request to get a proxy. That will create a Site object visible on the admin panel. The first request will fail, but if you go to http://HOSTNAME/resque_web then you should see a job to partition your first proxies. If your first source is DigitalOcean then zartan will not automatically detect/use the proxy that you based your image off of. To add it manually, go to the rails console and run Source.first.send(:add_proxy, PROXY_IP, PROXY_PORT). Other sources may have similar requirements.

Technical details

Operation and maintenance of zartan requires ruby programming knowledge. It's expected that the number of Source classes will grow over time. If there's a proxy source that isn't part of Zartan yet then it can be added. If the new proxy source is a cloud services provider then the fog gem probably has an adapter for it. If so, inherit your new class from Sources::Fog. If not then inherit from Source. Be sure to add your new class to lib/zartan/source_type.rb. This allows the admin panel to create new Source objects of this type and creates a resque queue for that Source type on the next deploy.

The steady-state operation of zartan should be that all of your proxies successfully scrape your target site. In this case, the Site object will be doing most of the work. Proxies are retrieved off of a redis set sorted by last accessed time. This access time is updated every time the proxy is given to the client or whenever the client informs zartan that the proxy succeeded or failed a scrape. Zartan always gives its clients the least recently used proxy. The longer a proxy goes without scraping a site the less likely it is that site will blacklist the proxy. These redis sorted sets exist for every site, meaning that a proxy may have been recently used by site #1, but is available for site #2.

The Jobs::GlobalPerformanceAnalyzer resque job runs every 15 minutes by default. It checks every proxy/site combination to determine if the proxy is healthy enough to continue scraping that site. The success_ratio_threshold and failure_threshold settings are used to determine whether we should remove the proxy from this site. Note that the proxy will stay on the site even if there is a 100% failure rate if Site#large_enough_sample? fails.

The Jobs::TargetedPerformanceAnalyzer resque job get triggered whenever a proxy reaches failure_threshold failures before the global performance analyzer resets its success/failure counts. If there are not enough successes to justify the proxy's existence then it is removed from the site. Note that we do not check to see if there are enough successes + failures because otherwise 100% failing proxies will likely never get deleted.

If a proxy is removed from a site, then the ProxyPerformance object which joins the Proxy with the Site is soft-deleted. This proxy may not be affiliated with this site again unless the proxy is decommissioned and happens to be re-created with the same IP address and port. A proxy is decommissioned by the Source object if no Site objects are using that proxy. If the number of proxies available to the site drops below min_proxies, then more proxies are retrieved from the database if available, else more get provisioned by the Source objects.

The global performance analyzer can also cause a site to forget about all its proxies if no proxy has been used in proxy_age_timeout_seconds seconds. Unlike other methods of removing a proxy from a site, this method allows the proxies to be used by the site if a later request comes in. If these proxies are not freed then they cannot be decommissioned even if the proxies fail on all other sites. Proxys will still be decommissioned if this Site is the last to use them.

The Jobs::SitePerformanceAnalyzer only gets run when a proxy is requested for a site when there are no proxies available for the site. Proxies are added to the site if any are available. If not then more proxies are created.

The clients of zartan should always provide an older_than parameter to the GET API. If your clients only have to wait a short time for a proxy then you have your configuration tuned well. Tune the number of proxies, number of scraper workers and older_than parameter based upon how quickly you need your scraping done against your risk levels for getting blacklisted.