
This Repo is create as per the discussion on June 6th (Firday) with Jhonatan Oliverira

In this repo I will use python to:

  • Call to an API
  • Recieve data
  • Save data in firebase
  • Assert data is saved as expected


  • upload python function to google cloud function

Plan: 1st Python function

2nd Python function

  • Calls 1st function
  • Assert data is saved as expected

3rd Github Repo

  • Create a Github repo

3rd Upload both to Google Cloud Functions

  • Upload the Python function to Google Cloud Functions

06/12/2023 6:57pm

  • Can get data from JASONplaceholder.com
  • Can write to firebase Next Step
  • [Done] Change file name from __init--.py to __initi__py
  • [Done] Relocate security key from desk top download to firebaseServiceAccountKey.json
  • [Done] Refector getFakeData to independent function
  • [Done] Seperate function and file more apporopreately Next step on Feature
  • [Done] Connect fake data to database

0613/2023 12:12pm

***Don't forget to "source logoAITest/bin/activate" You can get out by "deactivate"

To Run app: 1 clone repo 2 create a "firebaseServiceAccountKey.json" file and paste firebase credential 3 run terminal command "source logoAITest/bin/activate" 4 run python3 app.py you should see a "pass" print out in the terminal the data writen in the firestore

06/20/2023 resources for python unit testing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tNS--WetLI&t=1802s&ab_channel=CoreySchafer

06/21/2023 Question 1: I ran into the problem of initiallzing firestore multiple times when testing firestore connection. how to get around that? Question 2: what actually hapen when I return setdata(data) in write_data_to_firestore?