
Add Support for EDGE history

Closed this issue · 7 comments


Wondering if it is possible to add support for EDGE.
As it is based on chromium it should not be that different from Chrome (hopefully) it should be just the history location that defer.

In my case it is in :
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data

PS: great tool idea !! and thanks for building it already

In my case it is in : %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data

Is there a History file in that folder somewhere, or a subfolder? Have you tried selecting it via the Chrome button?

I wonder if it already works due to Edge being based on Chrome.

So just tried, pointed it to the History file location, process for a few seconds and it returned host not found. so I guess there is a bit more into it than just pointing at the location.
That said my system is in French dont know if it would cause issue for the parsing.


I tried it with Edge 20.0.2210.121 (64-bits), in the folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default is a History file, which, when opened via the Chrome history button, works for me (no errors). Could you maybe post a screenshot of the error you receive?

Hey, it worked, it was because EDGE was open in the background. After killing it, it worked like a charm 🙂 The error message should be a bit bigger 🙂

________________________________ De :

Great to hear that it works! I've updated the visuals to indicate Edge being supported next to Chrome.

I'm also working on a feature which tries to detect a running browser and alerts, since, indeed as you state, the warning to close the browser is quite small.