
Quickstart for Spring Boot + Angular 4 + Material2 Projects

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Boot + Angular 4 + Material



  • angular-cli boilerplate files
  • JWT authentication service

What's news

  • HttpClient
  • Login page
  • Roles Permissions
  • Navigation Menu
  • Material Design


  • Gradle build file
  • Boilerplate files
  • JWT authentication


You can use setup.sh script to change name and version of the app and database connection properties. Just run sh setup.sh and follow the instructions.

Build and Run

First of all you need to configure the database. Properties are located in ./backend/src/main/resources/application.properties file.

By default application is using PostgreSQL database(name: test, user: test, password: test).

Also you need to configure JWT secret in file listed above.

  1. Run npm install --prefix frontend to install front-end dependencies.
  2. Run npm run build:prod --prefix frontend to build angular application.
  3. Run ./init_db to create database, dbuser and dump default schema.
  4. Run gradle build -p backend to build a spring boot application.
  5. Run gradle bootRun -p backend or java -jar backend/build/libs/app-name-[version].jar to start spring boot application on embedded server.

By default server will be running on port 8080.


  • npm start --prefix frontend to start front-end server for development.
  • npm run start:prod --prefix frontend to start front-end server with service-workers.
  • gradle bootRun -p backend to start spring boot application on embedded server.

By default server will be running on port 4200


  • npm test --prefix frontend - to run front-end unit tests.
  • npm run e2e --prefix frontend - to run end to end tests.
  • gradle test -p backend - to run server tests.

Technologies used



spring-boot-angular4-boilerplate is released under the MIT License.