This repository is for saving pinned snippets from the #client-abuse, #help, #logging, #share-thy-code slack channels and any other important slack snippets from elsewhere for posterity.
If you want to contribute, please PR your additions.
The folder structure is broken into 6 primary categories:
- client-abuse
- classes
- globals
- logging
- misc
- prototypes
Each category is further divided into various languages
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Kotlin (only some categories)
Other languages are welcome (e.g. kotalin) if people want to share their code. Simply throw the file in a new language folder in the primary category.
There will be a voting system installed for automatically merging PRs once this is further established. More details to follow...
folder | name | author | Description |
JS | bitSet.js | warinternal | bit set class |
JS | class.RoomVisualCache_module.js | semperrabbit | RoomVisual cache |
JS | creepsSingingSongs.js | Lucifer | creeps singing songs |
JS | Es6LRUMapWithSizeAndTtl.js | warinternal | A cache that can exhibit both least recently used (LRU) and max time to live (TTL) eviction policies. |
JS | WorldPosition.js | warinternal | Uniform screeps world position with E0S0 as origin. |
folder | name | author | Description |
JS | inject_script_tag.js | semperrabbit | injects script tag |
JS | LoAN_tampermonkey_inject_for_any_client.js | semperrabbit | will attempt to load the LoAN tampermonkey code each global reset. |
JS | run_window.onTick()_inside_the_client_per_tick.js | semperrabbit | run window.onTick() inside the client per tick |
JS | saveAlliancesInMemory.js | semperrabbit | Inject alliance data into Memory.alliances |
JS | util.inject.Birthday.js | semperrabbit | shows room object birth dates based on their id |
JS | util.inject.RoomTracker.js | semperrabbit | Allows for the retrieval of rooms currently being viewed in the client from in-game code |
JS | util.inject.RoomViewNotifier.js | semperrabbit | adds currently viewed room to memory |
JS | util.inject.TEMPLATE.js | semperrabbit | template for injections |
folder | name | author | Description |
JS | adjust_CPU_limit_based_on_bucket_levels.js | semperrabbit | Adjust your CPU limit per tick based on current and target bucket levels |
JS | boostComponentsObject.js | shibdib | boost components |
JS | calculateTickTimeInGame.js | Kamots | Provides global.tickTime as seconds |
JS | command to clear in-game console.js | GimmeCookies | Clear the in-game console |
JS | determineFileFunctionLineWithinCode.js | knightshade | determine file, function, line within code |
JS | Global functions etc. example.js | maxion | example on how to use global |
JS | hasRespawned.js | semperrabbit | check if you just respawned |
JS | optimizedIsActive.js | tigga | a better OwnedStructure.isActive() |
JS | resourceColors.js | engineeryo | hex color codes for minerals, energy and power |
JS | respawn assist to clear memory and flags.js | semperrabbit | clears memory and flags |
JS | Reverse lookup tables for errors, colors, and resources.js | warinternal | reverse lookup tables for errors colors and resources |
JS | setTimeout_setInterval.js | semperrabbit | setTimeout() / setInterval() from JS, but it uses screeps ticks instead of ms |
JS | to get memory size.js | tyr | get memory size |
JS | voiceConsole.js | stybbe | say() but for real |
Cached dynamic properties.js | warinternal | cached properties | |
Entity Message Bus.js | warinternal | receive messages on room object | |
Memory segment emulation.js | dissi | segment emulator | |
queueAction() system.js | Helam | queue actions | |
upkeep_costs.js | warinternal | constants for upkeep of decaying structures |
folder | name | author | Description |
- | - | - | - |
folder | name | author | Description |
JS | actually commented evil tower code.js | daboross | lodash chain tower code |
JS | bunkerLayoutsHumanReadable.js | sparr | readable bunker layouts sample |
JS | Calculate Cost of a Mine.js | Gankdalf | mining cost calculations |
JS | Check if room is a source keeper room.js | issacar | check if room is a source keeper room |
JS | colors.js | dissi | visualize percentage with colors |
JS | get room type without visibility(but regex^^).js | enrico | get room type without visibility |
JS | Global Tracking.js | ags131 | track global age |
JS | how to delete the memory of dead creeps (in memoriam!).js | artritus | remove memory of dead creeps |
JS | Memory Cache.js | postcrafter | memory hack |
JS | minCutWallRampartsPlacement.js | saruss | calculate minCut in a room |
JS | Minimal Starting AI.js | WolfWings | example bot starting point |
JS | module.exports example.js | maxion | example on how to use module.exports |
JS | moveTo version supporting raw PathFinder arguments, and a moveByPath which directly reads serialized strings.js | daboross | see name |
JS | OwnedStructure Memory.js | warinternal | structure memory |
JS | powerCreepChatter.js | kittytack | power creeps saying things |
JS | protocolBufferStorage.js | daboross | metadata storage |
JS | pushdownAutomataStateMachine.js | warinternal | PDA implementation |
JS | Remote mining generator.js | domnomnom | generates a remote mine setup |
JS | Reset Memory to default.js | Doctor Zuber | clears memory |
JS | roomDescribe.js | engineeryo | get room type from room name |
JS | screeps_astar.js | tedivm | a* adapted to screeps |
JS | simple benchmarks.js | warinternal | Simple benchmark test with sanity check |
JS | Simplified grid class.js | warinternal | simple grid class |
JS | sos_lib_crypto.js | tedivm | crypto library for screeps |
JS | String encryption.js | warinternal | vernam chiper implementation |
JS | Uint8ArrayConversion.js | daboross | encoding and decoding strings to uint8 arrays for storage |
JS | Unicode directional arrows.js | warinternal | hex codes for unicode arrows for all directions |
JS | WorldPosition uniform global coordinate system.js | warinternal | Uniform screeps world position with E0S0 as origin. |
TS | Creep intent tracker.ts | unfleshedone | intent tracker implementation |
TS | moving.average.ts | unsleshedone | moving average implementation |
TS | Typescript roomScan.ts | crzytrane | room scanner? |
migrate room to | semperrabbit | how to migrate room to sim | |
screeps body | nitroevil | link to creep calculator | |
KT | DistanceTransform | Vipo | Algoritm for finding open areas in rooms |
KT | MinCut.kt | Vipo | Code for calculating the minCut in a room |
KT | VipoOS | Vipo | Example of a tiny OS solution for Screeps, written in Kotlin |
folder | name | author | Description |
JS/Creep | Creep action error handler.js | warinternal | log creep action error codes |
JS/Creep | Creep.getOffExit.js | engineeryo | move creep of room exits |
JS/Creep | Freshly minted getActiveBodyparts accounting for boosts!.js | daboross | see name |
JS/Creep | Idle_Suspend for creeps.js | proximo | idle creeps for a certain amount of ticks |
JS/Creep | prototype.Creep.moveToStandByPos.js | semperrabbit | park creeps in their parking spots |
JS/Creep | untitled_activeBodyparts.js | proximo | optimized Creep.getActiveBodyparts() |
JS/Creep | | semperrabbit | creeps singing |
JS/Room | prototype.Room.structures.js | semperrabbit | extends Room prototype with structures, also caching them |
JS/Room | Room.mineral.js | Helam | extends Room prototype with a mineral property including caching |
JS/RoomObject | Generalized target locking (with examples).js | warinternal | target locking for actors with memory |
JS/RoomObject | lookForNear.js | warinternal | extends RoomObject with .lookForNear() |
JS/RoomObject | lookNear.js | warinternal | extends RoomObject with .lookNear() |
JS/RoomObject | roomObjectSay.js | mototroller | say() on RoomObject |
JS/RoomPosition | findFirstInRange implementation for RoomPosition.js | proximo | findFirstInRange() for RoomPosition |
JS/RoomPosition | prototype.RoomPosition.toString_fromString.js | semperrabbit | better string functions for RoomPosition |
JS/RoomVisual | RawVisual Structures.js | ags131 | RoomVisuals for all structures |
JS/Source | Memory for Source (or other objects).js | w4rl0ck | adds memory to Source object |
JS/StructureLink | modified link.transferEnergy to prevent redundant multiple sends to the same target.js | helam | optimized StructureLink.transferEnergy() |
DefineProperty Tutorial.js | helam | see name | |
functionMiddleware.js | warinternal | Loops over only functions on the prototype and passes them to a callback function | |
Monkey Patching Tutorial.js | helam | see name |