
A Ruby client for REFLEC BEAT

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version Code Climate

A Ruby client for REFLEC BEAT

NOTE This gem is not available. Because KONAMI login page requires image authentication so valanga can't login. Sorry...




Create Valanga::Client instance.
The arguments of name_or_email is KONAMI ID or email that you registered.

If you set environment variables KONAMI_ID and KONAMI_PASSWORD, Valanga::Client uses the values for credentials.

client = Valanga::Client.new(name_or_email, password)

# Use ENV['KONAMI_ID'], ENV['KONAMI_PASSWORD'] if client received no arguments.
client = Valanga::Client.new

Fetch all music names

#=> ["Artifacter", "Army of Marionette", "RPG", "アイネクライネ", ....]

Fetch music names specified page, sorttype, and sort

client.musics_at(page: 3)
#=> ["踊るフィーバーロボ", "鬼天", "朧", ...]

client.musics_at(sorttype: :special, sort: :desc)
#=> ["Butter-Fly", "七転八起☆至上主義!", "嘘", ...]

Search music

Specifies the music name, returns Valanga::Music instance.

music = client.search('Arousing').hard

music.name             #=> "Arousing"
music.artist           #=> "DJ TOTTO feat.吉河順央"
music.rank             #=> "AAA+"
music.score            #=> 1615
music.achievement_rate #=> 98.4
music.miss_count       #=> 0
music.play_count       #=> 21
music.clear            #=> "clear"
music.full_combo       #=> "all_just_reflec_full_combo"

music.cleared?     #=> true
music.played?      #=> true
music.full_combo?  #=> true
music.has_special? #=> false

Difficulty / Version

music = client.search('music_name')

# basic
music.groovin.basic # groovin version.
music.collete.basic # collete version.
music.basic         # merged score groovin and collete.

# medium
music.groovin.medium # groovin version.
music.collete.medium # collete version.
music.medium         # merged score groovin and collete.

# hard
music.groovin.hard # groovin version.
music.collete.hard # collete version.
music.hard         # merged score groovin and collete.

# special
music.special # only exists groovin version.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'valanga'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install valanga


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/mgi166/valanga/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request