
Discord bot to get the leetcode profiles and stats of your friends

Primary LanguagePython

Leetcode Leaderboard with Friends (Discord Bot)

I wanted to create a way to see the Leetcode stats of your friends and rank them based on the amount of problems they solve every week.

This competitiveness can help what feels like an isolated practice have a stronger community feeling. And thus, help everyone practice and improve along the way.

To Run

  1. clone this repo
  2. cd into discord_bot

Go to Discord Developer and create a bot with a bot token Add bot token into your .env

run python discord_bot.py

You may need configure your AWS for boto3 if you haven't already You can run aws configure and type in your AWS account access code. This will allow you to store data into DynamoDB

Design and Flow

This is a discord bot hosted on AWS EC2.

It queries the Leetcode API to collect leetcode problem solved counts by users. Then, it forms a leaderboard with them and stores the data into DynamoDB.

Whenver a user in discord types "!leaderboard" it sends the leaderboard over into the Discord channel.