
Primary LanguagePython

8-puzzle problem

1712950 杨添凯


  • It is played on a 3-by-3 grid with 8 square blocks labeled 1 through 8 and a blank square. Our goal is to rearrange the blocks so that they are in order. It is permitted to slide blocks horizontally or vertically into the blank square.
  • Write a program that reads the initial board from standard input and prints to standard output a sequence of board positions that solves the puzzle in the fewest number of moves. Also print out the total number of moves and the total number of states ever enqueued.



The key is the estimation function 'F = G + H'.

'G' is the step done here.

Calculate 'H' by Manhattan Distance.

Every situation of the board is a 'Node'. Or we can see it as a point in 'finding the shortest path'.

One step makes four situation.

'Table Open' comprises all possible 'Nodes' in the next step. We call them Set A. And 'Tbale Close' help us exclude unavaliable 'Node'.

We choose the cost-minimum 'Node' as the next selected 'Node' by finding the smallest F

If we find the 'Target Node' in 'Table Open', print the path.


  1. 判断是否有解
  2. 建立空的open、close表,将初始状态放入table open
  3. 将table open中最小F状态取出,放入table close
    • 若到达目标状态,则结束,此时G即为最少步骤
    • 否则生成下一步所有能转移的状态集S
  4. 计算状态集S的所有F = G + H,G取父状态G+1*(使每个节点指向起始状态,便于计算最下步骤)*
    • 若当前状态在table close中,则omit
    • 若在table open中 && new F smaller,则update F = G + H
    • 否则加入table open
  5. 返回step 2.


It may speed very long time to get the result in some complex situation. (more the one minute...)

Can 'estimate function' be more accurate?


  1. python中复杂数据结构的‘=’传递的是地址,指向的内存没有变化。 最开始没有使用copy.deepcopy()导致class中一些公有变量出乎意料的发生了变化。
  2. 最开始Astar算法部分没有使用class,而是用的function。导致一些参数传递非常复杂,已修正。
  3. 开始没注意到list = string.split()时,list中的元素不是数字,而是字符串。