
This is a template about reading data with pandas and plotting data with matplotlib.


  • python3
  • tkinter (python34-tkinter package for Centos 7, python3-tk package for Ubuntu, python-pmw package for Arch Linux)
  • Other packages in requirements.txt
  • LaTeX

Install requirements in Centos 7

yum install python34 python34-tkinter
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Use customized paper style

Option 1:

ln -s paper.mplstyle matplotlibrc

Option 2:

  1. Copy the style file paper.mplstyle into mpl_configdir/stylelib, where mpl_configdir denotes the configdir of matplotlib. mpl_configdir can be get by matplotlib.get_configdir().
# In MacOS
mkdir -p ~/.matplotlib/stylelib/
cp paper.mplstyle ~/.matplotlib/stylelib/
  1. Uncomment the line'paper') in