
Can automatically download mods from a given list.

Primary LanguagePython

Minecraft Auto Mod Downloader

A Python script which automatically downloads mods from a given list.

Installing Dependencies

⚠ Make sure you have Python 3 installed. ⚠

pip install pretty-downloader


  1. Upload your version of "mods.list" and "modpack.ver". (I suggest uploading them to a github repo because the script requires direct links to them.)
  2. The "mods.list" file has to only include the Direct links to the mods (basically it has to look like this):


  1. The "modpack.ver" file also has to follow the same rule and it has to look like this:


  • Edit "modlistlink" and "versionLink" to the correct format.

Setting up and Running the script from source

  1. Open the script with a text editor.
  2. Edit lines 6 and 7 ("modlistlink", "versionLink") to the correct values. (Read Requirements.)
  3. Change line 11 to your preferred launcher. (You might have to change the "AppData" values if the launcher is not located in the "AppData/Roaming/.minecraft" directory.)
  4. Execute the script by running:
python main.py

Making an executable (.exe file)

  1. Install Pyinstaller pip install pyinstaller.
  2. Open the script directory in your preferred terminal.
  3. Run this line of code:
pyinstaller --onefile main.py
  1. Your file will be located in the "dist" directory.
  • You can also give it an icon by adding --icon=<Icon_Name>.ico parameter to this line.
  • You can replace your minecraft shortcut with this .exe file

Questions ⁉️

If yall have any questions or just wanna talk, add me on Discord or use my username Rayr#6401 (this might change so it's better to just use the link)