
Primary LanguageShell


Available configs

  1. Awesome
  2. FastFetch
  3. Fish
  4. BetterDiscord
  5. Firefox
  6. Scripts


You can install all of the configs by running the following command:

bash install.sh
  • For installing Fish and the configs see Fish

  • For installing Awesome and the configs see Awesome

    • Packages that get installed:
      • Arch : git lightdm feh vicious awesome nitrogen alacritty dmenu rofi pcmanfm
      • Ubuntu: The same packages as Arch plus awesome-extra ttf-bitstream-vera fonts-dejavu fonts-hack-ttf fonts-inconsolata fonts-liberation fonts-roboto ttf-ubuntu-font-family
    • For more info about the Awesome configs visit Arch-awesome-config
  • For installing BetterDiscord configs see BetterDiscord

  • For installing Firefox and/or Firefox Developer Edition see Firefox

    • Packages that get installed:
      • Arch: firefox firefox-developer-edition
        • You can choose not to install Firefox Developer Edition.
      • Ubuntu: firefox or firefox-developer-edition
  • For installing Scripts see Scripts