Adversarial Search

The present repository stores a minimax tree algorithm implementation for tic tac toe matches

Install libraries

This project make use of tkinter python library for graphic interfaces, so install it if you haven't before.

$ pip install tk

Running the project

This project doesn't make use of setups, so in order to see the project just run file as normally:

$ python .\

You'll get to see a window asking for minimax algorithm's depth, according to this parameter the Artificial Intelligence will play smart depending on how high the number of the depth is.

Depth Configuration

After this you'll be prompted the player with the first movement in the board

First Movement Configuration

And finally you'll need to configure the dimensions of the board you want to play in

Board Dimension configuration

Once you configure the environment, depending on who starts, you'll be able to play against the AI



Depth(1) Board(3x3) Starts(Human)

Depth(1) and Board(3x3)

Depth(1) Board(4x4) Starts(Human)

Depth(1) and Board(4x4)

Depth(4) Board(3x3) Starts(Human)

Depth(4) and Board(3x3)


  • Chillitupa Quispihuanca, Alfred Addison
  • Muñoz Curi, Rayver Aimar