
Sound output wrong position

Closed this issue · 4 comments

When I expand the output panel, it expands down correctly, but the new audio output panel incorrectly overlaps everything else in the panel and doesn't move other items down (Ubuntu 23.04)


Rayzeq commented

Thanks for reporting this bug!
Unfortunately I can't fix it with the current way the extension works, I'll fix it but it may take some time because I need to rewrite a good part of the extension

Rayzeq commented

Until I make a proper fix, I made a quick fix in version 8 of the extension, it's an option called "Overlay popups". Note that this will affect all popups in the quick settings.

I can confirm that the quick fix works (and affect all popups). Thanks.

Rayzeq commented

This issue has been fixed in the latest version, which won't be available straight away because it has to pass the review.