
how to install quick-settings-audio-panel on ubuntu 22.04

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how to install quick-settings-audio-panel on ubuntu 22.04
Rayzeq commented

As far as I know, Ubuntu 22.04 ships with gnome shell 42.x. This extension does not work for this version of gnome shell.
However, if you have upgraded to gnome shell 43 or 44 and need to install the extension manually, here's how to do it:

  • Download the latest version
  • Extract the zip archive you just downloaded in ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions
  • Rename the extracted folder to quick-settings-audio-panel@rayzeq.github.io
  • Restart gnome shell (the easiest way is to log out and log back in)

when restarting gnome-shell ubuntu? Why

Screenshot from 2023-05-15 22-05-41

Rayzeq commented

I don't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Please send the output of gnome-shell --version.
If you see that the version number is not 43 or 44, then you have an older version that's not supported (and it won't be because it's too different from the newer versions).

If your version is 43 or 44, a good help would be to send the gnome shell logs, to do this run journalctl -f -o cat /usr/bin/gnome-shell > "~/gnome-logs.log" in a terminal, enable the extension and restart gnome shell (press Alt-F2 type restart and press enter. Do not log out and log back in this time because it would cancel the command). Once it has crashed, do whatever you did to return to a working session (here you can log out and log back in, and if you're not doing that you'll need to close the terminal if it's still open, if you have a warning that says that a process is still open, close anyway). Then attach the gnome-logs.log file (which will be in your home folder) to your message.

I have GNOME Shell 42.5 -- I use Ubuntu 22.04
how to update GNOME Shell to 43 or 44 in Ubuntu 22.04?
or GNOME Shell 44 support Ubuntu 22.04?
or when GNOME Shell 44 supports Ubuntu 22.04?

Rayzeq commented

Well, I think the best way to get the latest version of gnome shell would be upgrade to Ubuntu 22.10 or 23.04. If you don't want to upgrade your Ubuntu version you may be able to manually upgrade your gnome shell version but I doubt it's a good idea.

When is it support Ubuntu 22.04?

Rayzeq commented

Support for Ubuntu 22.04 is not planned as there are many internal differences between 42.x and 43, which means I would have to completely rewrite the extension to support it.
However, other extensions can replace some of its functionality:

thank you